Samsung F3 500gb vs 1TB?

4 Dec 2008
I only use ~120gb as it is, but my WD1600AAJS is lagging behind pretty badly and I need to upgrade.

I've noticed the 1TB version's on special so I was considering that too.

Will the 1tb version perform better than the 500gb version? Any better suggestions?

Cheers ;)

EDIT: Or am I better off RAID0'ing these? Or maybe short stroking? So many options...
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I know if you RAID Samsung F3, they become insanely fast. Some websites compare them to being nearly close to SSD drive. Also on youtube, there are demos.

But... planely speaking, if you never plan to use up 500GB of space, theres no point spending extra for a Terabyte. I think 500GB is quicker, because all data is stored on a single platter. Whereas 1TB has two platters.
Hmm, I'm thinking F3 500gb then. Then again it's only £5/6 extra for 1TB... I'm not sure :p

Short stroking has little benefit apparently, and there's no point RAID0'ing another drive with mine as I don't trust mine not to blow up on me.
If its pure speed you are after then the Samsung F4 320GB are currently the fastest (seq read) standard drives available. 'Standard' means excluding VRs and SSDs. Two of these in RAID 0 absolutley fly!
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