Samsung or Hitachi TFT from O'clockers

having never seen any in the flesh, but from owning a 171S (same panel but no DVI in and its an inch smaller) i have to say that the image quality is amazing for what it is. I have no problems with it for gaming, and the responce time, well, im sorry, but how are you going to tell the 8ms difference? (Hitachi is 17MS IIRC) i mean, the samsung look sooooo much better.

thats myu 2p worth

Originally posted by nathan_e
I'd say the hitachi looks more professional than the Samsung, but it's all a matter of taste.


it also depends where its going, and if you have the dosh to spend too :p

I've spent the last week agonising over the exact same thing. Most of my work is 2D CAD stuff, browsing and the occasional game of Q3, UT etc,.

OK so the Sammi might be better for normal everyday use, its an inch bigger probably looks a little nicer, but I decided that when I want to play a game I want it to be right not just ok. Don't forget that the Hitachi is like £100-£150 cheaper than the Samsung, comes with a DVI cable (that'll add £20-£30 to the price of the Sammi). Thats paid for a nice little XP2400+ for me, but for someone without DVI gfx card it would pay for a nice new gfx card with DVI.

And to add a comment that the Salesman in the Sony Centre in Exeter once said to me whilst I was trying to decide on wether to spend £600 on a 28" 50hz wide screen telly or £1200 on a 100hz 28" widescreen telly (and thus have my danglies ripped off and fed to the cat by my g/f).

"To be honest mate when you get the 50hz one home you'll have nothing to compare it too and you really won't be able to tell the difference anyway".

The g/f and I are still together, I've still got my tackle and the cats still hungy:D

Can you guess which telly I bought;)
lol !!!

also doesn't the sammy come with all the DVI cables and what not ?

i'm also in the same situation.... at about £100 ish difference for an extra inch but also remember they are at the same resolution... strange huh !!!

just thinking as i won't be getting another TFT for at least a couple of years might be worth shelling out on another £100, also i think the sammy from the pictures looks far better :D
This is one decision I am not gonna rush:) I take it Jimathy you are going for the Hitachi(which still looks very niiice) and I am sure either one will be an improvement on my 19 inch hansol 900p
Demon wrote this before about the Sammy and Hitachi....

"I don't think my sammy 172T has a bad panel, these seem to be limited to the 181's and gave mutliple image ghosting problems, giving you for example the same effect as mouse trials.. , multiple images of the mouse pointer....

My samsung gives smearing of the mouse pointer, which seems in line with the 25/40mS LCD's that I have seen (an Eizo L565 for instance). When reviewed, they seem to perform equal to or slightly worse than most 40mS LCD's, and that is where I would place mine. The worse thing with the samsung panels is the black smearing, a trait of poor rise times, and this is the most noticeable smearing... the real ghosting is very minimal.

In fact games like UT2K3 are very playable with the Samsung, but when running around, the ground looks out of focus, and this is due to the response times. I only noticed this because the Hitachi is so much better in this respect, and gives a much crisper in focus effect.

I'd say the Hitachi is at least 2-3 time faster then the Samsung panels, they claim 25ms theoretically, but the 'typical' times are around 40mS, the Hitachi 16mS is quoted as typcical already, so its theoretical will be faster then this, and it shows in side by side tests. Its black smearing that plagues the samsung is non existant on the Hitachi.

Even at 16mS if you know what to look for, it still smears, but ghosting is dramatically reduced.

The Hitachi technically does lack slightly in yellows/Cyans, and is dominant in red/blue, and has a high DVI contrast, which makes games look superb, but can make some yellow icons look slightly off. This is minor, and can be adjusted out of course..
The samsungs have low DVI contrast, and do look a bit washed out, but give more dark detail.

As for the size, I'm sure people notice the extra inch of the 181, but it is still 1280*1024, and the text size is quite large on the 17, so on the 18 will be even bigger. What I'm saying is the extra inch is not that big a deal, if it gave you 1600 * 1200, then yes, I'd get one myself.... (A 16mS One that is), and larger panels show things like smearing/ghosting up even more..

If games are your thing, the Hitachi is without doubt the one to buy, if you only use 2D apps, then any LCD will do, so the 181T is fine...

You really want to try the monitors for yourself, as only you will know what's acceptable to you. I'd make sure you demo them, since £600 on a 181 is a lot of money to risk.. even the £430 of the Hitachi still warrants a demo..."

And also more reviewage from Demon here:

Conclusion is: the Hitachi basicaly Ownz:p
Yup went for the Hitch;) and its been dispatched:):)

snow-munki, I called a place on Friday and the answer was a definate "No". I was quoted £19.99 for the DVI cable but understand that some places charge nearer £30.

I'm not going to bag the Samsung because I've never seen one. I went out on the highstreet on saturday morning trying to find one but couldn't. I then figured what I could have for the extra £150, thats what sold me on the Hitachi.

I still go along with what that Sony salesman told me;)

I will of course post my first impressions on the thing tomorrow evening when I get it home.
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I have the samsung 181T and it came with the cables i needed, for both analogue and DVI, so the salesman was wrong or trying to rip you off. :D

Its a very good monitor, yes it does ghost, but not so bad that it puts me off(actually it shocked me when i first got it, but once i got everything up and running correctly, its not so bad now, infact in many games i dont notice it at all)
Originally posted by Buzz
I have the samsung 181T and it came with the cables i needed, for both analogue and DVI, so the salesman was wrong or trying to rip you off. :D

Shame we can't tell who I talked to and where you bought yours from.

I feel yet another AMD/Intel, ATI/Nvidia or Coolermaster/Lian-Li war is about to errupt. Only this time its going to be Hitachi/Samsung.

I just stuck my neck out, here's hoping my head doesn't get blown off.

Remember fellas its all a matter of taste, but lets be honest they are both really nice monitors and whichever one you buy your gonna be happy with it because you won't be able to compare it with the other unless you got cash comming out of your **** and can afford both:p
Dont worry, i wasnt responding to say "mines better than yours", i just thought i would mention what came with the monitor, since i had one, and i thought i would breifly mention my experiences of it.

In fact, if the Hitachi is so good with games, i wish i had known about it sooner. Ive only just got the Samsung and i play a lot of games.
Originally posted by Phantom
which of the two would look better beside a cm200 case?

That my friend is for you to decide because it would be like trying decide between two very nice things:D
Originally posted by Phantom
which of the two would look better beside a cm200 case?

i got a cm200 case, i got a samsung syncmaster 151p, it looks great next 2 it :-)

but thats a diff model. u r talking about
are you all blind? i dont know what kind of taste u have but there is no way the hitachi looks better than the samsung in any way!!!

however the hitachi is better for games but if u dont play games then get the samsung, but i think ill wait till hitachi make a better looking one (not that the hitachi is bad but looking but for 420 i want abit of shiny silver and abit more fancyness). or samsung make 1 that is as good as the hitachi in terms of performance.

however the hitachi is th daddy and if i got 1 i would get that.
If the Hitachi looked anywhere near as nice as the Samsung i would get two of those (17" is too small) and sell on my Samsung... but as it is, the style just isn't nice enough to warrant it.

Hitachi every time. Quality is top notch, performance exceeds the Samsung and for me - the understated carbon finish is the daddy, the brash silver of the samsung would really clash with my desk - and my desk cost more than either of them :D

If the samsung was the same price I'd have a tough decision to make - but for a £150 saving the Hitachi is an absolute no brainer!
Telescopi, don't suppose you've got any pictures of your carbon Hitachi?

I've just ordered one and am really excited :p Should be here Wednesday if Lynx are nice to me!
Here's mine... oohh errr...

(Flash makes it look more reflective then it actually is...)
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