Samsung Spin Point F4EG EcoGreen SATAII 2TB 32MB Cache Hard Drive <8.9ms 5400rpm

From what I have read they are regarded as pretty good by many people however that was not my experience.

I had my F4 2TB for around 30 days. I noticed that an odd image or some files would become corrupt. I ran different diagnostic tools and they all reported certain SMART errors.

I downloaded Samsung's own EStool (the latest) and it would fail with the following message...

it had a AJ41 RAM error on the drive. Googling I found this from a US supplier where a customer bought some of these drives...

Other Thoughts: Bought 6 drives together. Ran Samsung's drive diagnostic (ESTOOL v3.01p) on all the drives out of the box and 5/6 drives failed with the same error (Ram Error, Service Code AJ41) after doing a full surface scan even though the error has nothing to do with bad sectors. However, if I skip the surface scan, they all pass the ram test so I'm not sure if this is a bug in ESTOOL or the drives. Still, doesn't really make me feel confident to use these drives. It would be great if someone from Samsung could chime in on the issue. My drives are serial number:

as I was having problems with the drive (the HD Tune benchmark was quite spiked as well) I contacted Samsung (from my post in another forum)...

I have just come off the phone with Samsung - what a very frustrating experience that was.!!! After giving the person all of my details they then told me that they offered no telephone support for the hard drives they sell and instead directed me to their website (according to the first page on that site it is for Optical Disk Drives)
I asked them about the AJ41 error and to be frank I was completely wasting my time as they assured me that they cannot support me and the website they noted was my only source of assistance.
With the above in mind yesterday I went back to my supplier and exchanged the drive. The next one also failed the RAM test (on two different PC's) and also had hardware write errors. Back it went and I exchanged it for a 2TB Western Digital drive. This drive passed all WD's tests and is running fine.

Having used WD before I like their freephone technical support and their advanced replacement offer on their drives. It is leaps and bounds ahead of that which Samsung offered me.

Whilst other people have had great success with their Samsung F4 drives that was not the case for me.

Even though I bought the "Green" WD drive I can't say that I have noticed it to be any slower than the Samsung drive in real terms. The noise levels were comparable, they are both quite quiet.
Bought one for a nice price. Will check with tools when it arrives to see if any issues if not then ill format and give it a whirl moving stuff off of a 200gb ide drive then i can get rid of ide drives off my system.
looks like I an a bit late but i have 2 samsung F4 2TB drives that i use for storage and had no problems. Good value and pretty quiet.
Here is a HD Tune (old version) benchy.

This is after formatting it to GPT drive in win 7 admin tools/disk managment.

Moved stuff from ide drive about 200gb transfer speed was about 30/MB a sec. :( But i blame the crap ide drive for that. Im sure it will be faster if i transfered stuff from one of my sata drives.

Havent used estool on it yet as cant seem to find a way to burn the cd image to a dvd as i dont have blank cds just a dvd rw disc about and nope i dont own any usb sticks. And no floppy but thats a given.

Edit - Heres a speed count from my 1tb sata drive to this new 2tb sata drive. Started slow but gained speed over about 2 mins or so. To about 77MB/s Was about 11.8gb and didnt take long 2-3 mins max i think it was.

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After you have moved that data just do a check with HD Tune Pro and check the health section. Just have a look to make sure you aren't getting any errors, attribute No's 1 and 200.
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