I've had my 6870 for a couple of weeks now and I'm getting increasingly worried that it's faulty. No game seems to be silky smooth despite the frame rates showing that it should be, even games which were completely smooth on my 8800GTX aren't on this card. I'm also experiencing FPS drops in everything, even Worms Reloaded (when switching goes it sometimes drops to about 35 then goes back up to 60 again). I'm also experiencing very minor artifacting on some games. Most notably Dead Rising 2 where I'm getting icons flashing and white blotches flashing up around dialog boxes. Amongst other things, I've noticed pretty awful aliasing on most games. GTA4 is definitely the worst. The game looks considerably worse than it did on my 8800GTX. Another GTA4 problem I've noticed is at night time, cars lights and street lamps flash. I 'should' also be able to max the settings on GTA4 easily but when I do, despite the frame rate being around 35-50, it appears extremely jerky. No idea what's going on with this card. I've reinstalled drivers countless times, the temperatures never really go above 70 and the jerky appearance (on mostly every game) is always accompanied by the sort of frame rates I'd expect from this card.