Satellite Reign - Spiritual Successor to the original Syndicate - Kickstarter

£112K away atm with 12 days to go, as I said earlier in the thread, after the initial rush at the start, I was worried this might struggle. Maybe they will have another promotion push, or find funds elsewhere if they get close enough.
I'm not going to start worrying yet chances are there will be a surge just before it nears the deadline, fingers crossed!
Hopefully, because this needs to happen.
I completely agree Syndicate needs to be vindicated after the awful 2012 game that stole the name & scrapped the gameplay in favour of a generic FPS that was about as dumb as it could get, it's sad that a generation of gamers will associate the name with that game rather than the original!
If only I had a Persuadertron I could command the masses to back it!
Will Satellite Reign have a Multiplayer component?
Multiplayer is a part of our plans, we are really excited about the prospect of cooperative and versus play. However the initial funding goal is tailored to allow us to concentrate on delivering a strong single player experience. Stay tuned and keep an eye on our stretch goals for more information.

This bit worries me personally, I gather most people played this solo but my entire experience with the game as a kid back then was playing SW with my best friend on my PS1. "Part of their plans" but sounds like they only plan to if they get enough cash. A few games of late I really hoped they had coop but did not for similar reasons, even without kickstarter. I think that it's a tiring old excuse to "tailor to a single player experience" because you can fix all that by having coop buddies act as a side kick with no story concequence. Some suspension of belief and understanding comes with that though. Aside of course from coding/buying the ability for your game to be multiplayer capable of course!
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This bit worries me personally, I gather most people played this solo but my entire experience with the game as a kid back then was playing SW with my best friend on my PS1. "Part of their plans" but sounds like they only plan to if they get enough cash. A few games of late I really hoped they had coop but did not for similar reasons, even without kickstarter.
For me personally I'd rather have SP with a possibility of MP rather than not get the game at all & fixing the price for that within the original appeal is sensible on their part, because of the deadline if the game makes that deadline then they will still get pledges afterwards to make the stretch goals like Star citizen, which has just reached another of it's stretch goals after the initial deadline has long passed.
At least that's the way I think it works! so just to clarify the stretch goals are not constrained by the kickstarter deadline, if anyone can confirm this or otherwise that would be appreciated.
At least that's the way I think it works! so just to clarify the stretch goals are not constrained by the kickstarter deadline, if anyone can confirm this or otherwise that would be appreciated.

No, stretch goals are aimed at going above and beyond the asked for price on kickstarter and within the time frame.

If they want additional funding like SC they need to create their own place for people to do so. It's kind of sneaky because star citizen started on the back of kickstarter (I think?) then had a secondary means of gaining cash and it still persists in doing so. Great for them, great for those wanting more from the game, but I don't like what they did with tempting people to pay more.
^ I'm really excited for SC as well, but couldn't bring myself to back it. It just struck me as how confidence tricksters operate! :D Wan't to be proven wrong though
Great for them, great for those wanting more from the game, but I don't like what they did with tempting people to pay more.
If we get a better product at the end of it & those that pledge now still get value for money I won't hold it against them! & who is to say that this won't be done in a similar way to that.
Anyway I just hope that the game does make it's deadline I've waited so long for this, it would be a heartbreaker if it failed!
only £52,000 to go.

New character profile page up, the Soldier

Hopefully we'll see a final rush in backers for this, will be gutted if it doesn't reach it's goal. Though ideally I'd like to see them reach the £440k target for including Environment Destruction

Although co-op is a higher level stretch goal, I'm pretty sure they had said that they would add co-op in later after launch anyway (though can't find the souce just now)
In for the digital copy of the game so far. Might up my pledge later on.

Syndicate on the Amiga was one of the best games I have ever had the privilege to have played.
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5 days to go, this will easily breach the 350k mark

Playing Syndicate from GoG made me sad last night. It wasn't so flawed in my memories :(
I recall it arrived when I owned an Amiga, early one Saturday morning in early post.
Installed, and played it.

Some time around 9 or 10pm, I realised I had not eaten all day, nor had any water.
Twas the first game that truly totally absorbed me.

The sad thing is, if you did that with most games now, you'd already have completed the game by 5pm!
Funded, with just under 4 days to go. Currently £350,121. Just another £90k to the destructible environment stretch goal :D
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