I completely agree Syndicate needs to be vindicated after the awful 2012 game that stole the name & scrapped the gameplay in favour of a generic FPS that was about as dumb as it could get, it's sad that a generation of gamers will associate the name with that game rather than the original!Hopefully, because this needs to happen.
For me personally I'd rather have SP with a possibility of MP rather than not get the game at all & fixing the price for that within the original appeal is sensible on their part, because of the deadline if the game makes that deadline then they will still get pledges afterwards to make the stretch goals like Star citizen, which has just reached another of it's stretch goals after the initial deadline has long passed.This bit worries me personally, I gather most people played this solo but my entire experience with the game as a kid back then was playing SW with my best friend on my PS1. "Part of their plans" but sounds like they only plan to if they get enough cash. A few games of late I really hoped they had coop but did not for similar reasons, even without kickstarter.
At least that's the way I think it works! so just to clarify the stretch goals are not constrained by the kickstarter deadline, if anyone can confirm this or otherwise that would be appreciated.
If we get a better product at the end of it & those that pledge now still get value for money I won't hold it against them! & who is to say that this won't be done in a similar way to that.Great for them, great for those wanting more from the game, but I don't like what they did with tempting people to pay more.
I always thought it was satellite rain not reign.
I always thought it was satellite rain not reign.
I recall it arrived when I owned an Amiga, early one Saturday morning in early post.
Installed, and played it.
Some time around 9 or 10pm, I realised I had not eaten all day, nor had any water.
Twas the first game that truly totally absorbed me.