Satisfactory Alpha release

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Nope! Done the maths and I'm not changing my factory :D Sure I'd get about 50% more steel beams and pipe but it'd also take 720 concrete/min or 2,160 limestone. Or put it another way, 18 normal nodes with mk2 miners feeding 48 constructors! :eek: A good recipe to have but I think I need trains and a lot more power before I switch to that alternate recipe.

Still the full rebuild of my factory is underway with the steel floor being built so I can use Mk3 belts everywhere. 3 pure iron and 3 pure coal nodes making 1,080 steel ingots with them being turned in to 200 Steel pipe/min and 195 Steel beam/min. Though tempted to overclock the beam side to make it a nice round 200/min but I'll see how many beams I need in the near future before doing that. I just need to finish the railing round the machines but it takes a while to line up the railing properly. Then on to building an iron floor and a copper one on top of that.....then I can finally start on the framework and automated wiring for the space elevator :)



Just a few machines

Underfloor is quite cluttered too.
Does anyone else up flitting between half-finished projects. I built a steel beam factory but I haven't got round to hooking it up to deliver its output to anywhere else because I got distracted building an oil refinery setup, but then I ran out of motors so I now I'm half-way through building a new motor factory.
Does anyone else up flitting between half-finished projects. I built a steel beam factory but I haven't got round to hooking it up to deliver its output to anywhere else because I got distracted building an oil refinery setup, but then I ran out of motors so I now I'm half-way through building a new motor factory.
No... I'd never do anything like that... :p
What sort of idiot would tear down their steel factory they only finished yesterday to align the machines better just so they could paint the foundations to decorate it a bit....oh wait, yes that would be me. I also took the time to reduce the height of the gap for the belting under the floor to a 4m gap so the 2 2m floors and gap can be covered by 2 walls now. Still it looks a lot prettier now I guess



Not even got to oil yet. Keep getting side tracked.
Thought I would just go get some quartz, and then i needed sulphyr, and now can start on building a factory, but also want to get more spheres.
There’s a reason this clip turns up so often in Satisfsctory discussions.

Pretty much me when I used to play with my mates pre 1.0. I'd fix one machine and then head off towards my main project to do work on. On the way I'd walk past a machine thats jammed up for xxx reasons (mostly low end belts!) so I'd remedy that. Then I'd see something else and before I know it, I am a million miles away from said project being chased by those spiders!
Pretty much me when I used to play with my mates pre 1.0. I'd fix one machine and then head off towards my main project to do work on. On the way I'd walk past a machine thats jammed up for xxx reasons (mostly low end belts!) so I'd remedy that. Then I'd see something else and before I know it, I am a million miles away from said project being chased by those spiders!

I saw a green spider in the swamp yesterday that was literally as big as a house and ran so fast it could probably traverse my entire base in 5 seconds. The jet pack saved my life, I somehow managed to kill it and got a nice prize of 5 meat.
I saw a green spider in the swamp yesterday that was literally as big as a house and ran so fast it could probably traverse my entire base in 5 seconds. The jet pack saved my life, I somehow managed to kill it and got a nice prize of 5 meat.
Those things are absolutely terrifying. The queen is the worst one as she'll chase you for miles. Theres one in the Northern forest near some radioactive nodes. This is pre-1.0 map change so that may have all changed now. They fill me with utter dread!
90,000MW of raw nuclear power came online about five minutes ago, currently producing around 1.27GW so I should be good on power needs for a small while :D

Along with associated recycling setup so I don't have tons of waste lying around... currently sinking the plutonium but tempted to use it for drone fuel but not sure I really want radioactive annoyances buzzing around everywhere.

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I saw a green spider in the swamp yesterday that was literally as big as a house and ran so fast it could probably traverse my entire base in 5 seconds. The jet pack saved my life, I somehow managed to kill it and got a nice prize of 5 meat.

lol I've not seen this yet, my friend HATES the spider, he has the cats turned on instead (which I find more scary, as they're like nextbots).

I'll have to troll him into going there :D
90,000MW of raw nuclear power came online about five minutes ago, currently producing around 1.27GW so I should be good on power needs for a small while :D

Along with associated recycling setup so I don't have tons of waste lying around... currently sinking the plutonium but tempted to use it for drone fuel but not sure I really want radioactive annoyances buzzing around everywhere.

I just follow standard British tradition and accumulate my nuclear waste for future generations to deal with... :)
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