Saved a life! freed a hedgie!

22 Nov 2005
just went for my daily covid exercise around the local city park.
bloody good job I did to.

heard a strange rustling sound with no breeze and then came across poor little hedgie walking in circles with a malteasers packet stuck right over it's head.

I didn't think to take a picture or video before I freed him since I was more worried about getting the little fella free.

It was wedged on pretty good, I tried to trap the front of the bag using a stick but hedgie only wants to move forward... managed to get it off after a couple of tries trying to push it off whilst he was moving.

poor guy coulda been there all night walking in circles.

once it was off he just stood on the spot for half a minute before running on to the grass before I took this photo.

BTW he was next to a bin that was full, it's quite possible the packet had fell out of the bin.

Take your rubbish home if the bin is full YOU MONSTERS!
Worth a quick email to the council to have it emptied?
I know a lot of people complain about it on twitter and tweet photos of the bins over flowing but it's been the same for years.

I direct messaged the council on facebook about it, the website seems a nightmare to find what I would need.
all the rubbish sections I could find were related to people dumping rubbish in the street or requesting a pickup from envirocall
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Worth a quick email to the council to have it emptied?
ahh nice the council responded to me on facebook, they h ave a website where you can see the dates bins are due to be emptied, when they were last emptied and you can inform them if a bin is full very simply.

very nice, I was checking the status of the park bins, most were emptied in the last month but a few of them erm.... very disappointing.

check this one out

pretty sure it won't be 0% if it hasn't been emptied since october, most showed 65% even though there ones I know are 125% full.

I guess they just estimate how full a bin would be based on yearly stats or something... and don't take into account the weather will see them full no matter what
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