Scariest ''level'' in a video game

11 Apr 2011
Insert vid link if you can.

Some early contenders.

Haunted mansion- Vampire Masquerades (my personal expereince)

The Shalebrige Cradle- Theif 3 (Never played myself)
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Yeah, that scanner was made for video games. Awesome bit of gameplay! Hope Colonial Marines captures that. Dunno what is scarier. When it goes quiet, or when it pings a xenomorph :) At least you sorta know when and where it's coming from!
Ravenholm that was scary but for me I dunno it was scary in your face.

I find scary spooky vibes worse, like silent hill. I played the demo and never saw one bad thing but man I had to switch it off the vibe and atmosphere scared the ..... out of me
System Shock 2 had some great bits, especially when played with quadraphonic sound in a darkened room.
The Cargo level with all the boxed droids was great :)
It wasn't so much the action, as the atmosphere around it, similar to AVP.
Gears of War 1 when the berserker rams the door :(

My mate told me that the door would open when you walk up to it. I subsequently crapped my pants and also punched my friend XD
System Shock 2 had some great bits, especially when played with quadraphonic sound in a darkened room.
The Cargo level with all the boxed droids was great :)
It wasn't so much the action, as the atmosphere around it, similar to AVP.

Ah yes. The sound really did make that game at times.

"Babies need sleep"

That bit was properly unsettling.

And the times you'd be taken unawares by a protocol droid's "excuse me... Xerxes won't like this..."
Those Ninja's in F.E.A.R., man those things move quick and gave me the shivers like no other game has; infact the closest I can think of in a game was playing AVP on the Jaguar.
Resident evil 2, when the licker was inside the police station at the start and burst through the window and then the zombies in the corridor. Hahah I used to ask my mam to watch me play coz I was scared :'( :P
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