Seagate Barracuda 1TB Slow Transfer Rate?

12 Jan 2010
Hey all.

I've just installed a Barracuda 7200rpm 1TB SATA drive as a secondary memory device. Formatted as NTFS. I bought it to store HD video on for editing. Right now as I'm copying some files over, the transfer rate is 51MB/s (it started at around 35MB/s for the first few minutes). Does this seem slow to you?

My host drive is a WD 250gb 7200rpm 250gb SATA drive.


Intel Core 2 Duo 3GHz
4GB Ram
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
lmao oh my God. This is so embarassing. Such a noob mistake I've been using computers for 14 years. Please can a mod move this before anyone else see's it.

Thanks stulid, I'll post them soon.
Try new cable and different SATA port. Also see if its running in PIO mode via Device Manager.
i think maybe use hdtune and see what it says about the errors, it gives you detailed SMART info and also got an error scan, might give a few clues.
well should be in warranty, check with wd and see if they have some suggestions? maybe rma on performance reasons, sounds like its just old, maybe needs a low level format
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