Security chains, locks and weather protective bike cover?



3 Dec 2011
I bought a KTM Duke, but I sadly don't have a garage around my house and the nearest garages are quite far away.

So tomorrow, in my back garden I'm going to dig out a 0.5-0.7m hole and then buy a thick rod which I'll get bent and then grout the whole.

I will also require a thick chain, disc alarm and nice thick cover which will protect it from the rain. I'll be buying TPFT insurance as its £300 and compulsory is £865, as long as I have theft cover I should be all good, right? :p

I don't really have a budget set, but I don't want to overpay just for the logo. (Says the guy who bought KTM :o) :p
Can't you knock up a cheap shed?

The level in my garden doesn't allow it, its so steep that I would have to dig the whole garden and level it up. I have just enough space for putting a table some chairs and a place for a bike in the corner, not much though... enough space for BBQ but not for a shed. If I did somehow managed to level up the shed, it would prevent the sun hitting the house bottom windows... I've no clue who was so stupid to make a steep garden like that, but there you go. When I had RS, I had a big garage with 2 seats, table, tool wardrobe and somehow a citroen berlingo managed to fit there as well. : o
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The almax chains are good,heavy though but good
I've digged up a whole in the back garden which is 0.5m deep, I'm planning on buying ground anchor from the bay 'Bike It Motorbike Motorcycle Security Cement In Mammoth Ground Anchor For Chains' or 'VERY HEAVY DUTY 40MM SWIVEL CEMENT GROUND ANCHOR / MOTORCYCLE / MOTORBIKE'

I'm not sure if I should buy 16mm or 19mm chain, almax is definately the way to go or will oxford do the job?

I need at least 2m chain, 1.5m is a tight fit.


As for the cover something from the rainforest e.g. 'Bike Folding Storage Tent - Waterproof 600D Oxford' or 'FeelGoodUK Motorbike Motorcycle Bike Cover Shelter Garage (BH01)' or ' OXFORD STORMEX'
i have the series 3, 1.5m and its plenty long enough,you can carry it around in a strong rucksack

the iv series will weight an absolute ton

you'll go through the wheel and ground anchor with room to spare,or even around/through swingarm and ground anchor (test it first when ground anchor is in with a 1.5m length of string)

Do you have the Squire SS65CS Stronghold Lock with the Almax chain or would you recommend a different padlock?
Ordered ground anchor £26.99, Almax III 1.5m with Squire - £168 and now I should invest in a disc lock/alarm.

Any recommendations? My neighbour has a young child, so I would prefer it to not go off in e.g. rain. I will use a protective cover, but it shouldn't be too sensitive...
So something likes THIS is not a good idea?


Posted wrong lock, I meant Oxford Screamer disc lock
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Don't think that's alarmed is it?
I had an Oxford Omega disc lock before my Xena. Happy to go for a relatively cheap one without the alarm but I think a cheap alarmed disc lock is just likely to **** people (including yourself) off when it goes off unnecessarily.

I'll buy the Xena than, biking isn't cheap :p
Don't forget to lay a few land mines,bear traps and booby traps haha
Hahaha, don't tempt me! :p
Certainly not to get going, it feels like you just keep buying and buying to get started! :D

It can be cheap if you go 2nd hand on kit, plus once you've got the kit it doesn't generally break for a good while (if you buy at least semi-decent) and bikes can be very cheap to run depending on what you have, your standards and how much you can do yourself. You can do a lot yourself if you get yourself a Haynes manual and spend some hours tinkering.

It certainly does, but things which I bought such as the almax chain will last me a bit longer and I won't have to buy this stuff again for my next bike. :cool:
Have a poke around second hand clothes shops and charity shops you'd be surprised how often some very high quality jackets/leathers come up for hardly anything there.

I'm already ordering from , I don't really have time to look around for used/2nd hand stuff. I'll do my search whilst looking for 1 piece leathers when I get 2nd bike, I've owned a bike previously and I find it fun so its alright to buy what I want. ;)

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not sure with topcashback,im only with quidco

you can only use one site,so go with the one that offers most off,you'll pay a fiver for admin fees for first year with quidco (but they deduct it off your cashback)

What courier should I use? The shop is based in Germany, I can choose between DHL Shipping £ 5.58 and UPS Shipping £ 6.28
don't the uk one offer free delivery?

unless its still cheaper from Germany inc shipping,no idea? dhl is cheapest

This is the cheapest I could find, helmet is £30 cheaper than any other retailer and rest gear is about the same. I read the reviews of this site and its legit, I always do a small research for best prices, with 7% off it'll be £258.
I'll go with UPS, used them before and they were quick.
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oh ok then,yh go with whatever ones cheapest inc shipping

Ordered, with the cashback it comes to around £258. Thanks Wazza for the Quidico, saved me some £££'s :D


So roughly I've saved £150 by buying online, the price difference is shocking tbh. That's my almax chain right there, just from the saving :p
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doesn't that say they don't ship Dainese to the UK?

The support send me a message that the gloves are out of stock... :mad: I have asked for a refund just for the gloves, surely they would have let me know that the dainese jacket will not be shipped out? I think they're referring to dainese magazines/articles, well we should see if it arrives next week.
I think you're going to be disappointed, don't take the word articles too literally.
Then again as you said I'd have expected them to mention it.

I wouldn't count on it. Support staff for a lot of these companies generally don't seem to care or know their own policies. I expect they do mean articles as in clothing.

This doesn't make sense to me, why do they have this note whilst you choose the postage country before this step? Even if I don't receive the Dainese jacket, the helmet is still cheaper than anywhere else so still worth it.

I just sent them an email, lets see what's their reply...
Not everybody thinks about where they put stuff on a website!

There's always motocard if those guys don't delivery.

Hello D*****,

thansk for your mail.

Yes, we ship to the UK.

Viele Grüße / Best regards,

Their english isn't the best, I'm kind of worried. :rolleyes:

BTW Should I ask for a full refund and buy from motocard? How likely is it that the helmet will arrive on Friday? :p
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I think Motocard are also European, but they stock a bunch of Dainese and other nice stuff.

I wouldn't expect it by Friday unless you pay for guaranteed delivery!

I have the ground anchor mounted, got the chain, CBT & insurance+tax tomorrow and gear date unknown....
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