Sega Are Back, Baby

28 Jan 2007
One of the biggest players in 3rd party software and publishing, Sega Corp. today revealed details of their plan to reenter the videogame console hardware business which they dropped over 6 years ago. Sega have said that due to recent financial stability found in the dropping of hardware and moving exclusively toward the software side of gaming, they have reached a point where they are solid enough to give it “one last go”.

Details are obviously scarce this early in the game, but we can tell you that the console has been officially dubbed “Catalyst”, which we assume is what they hope the console to be in this risky venture. Sega have even shown what will be the official logo for the console, but unfortunately nothing more could be pried.

“We’re extremely excited to be reentering the hardware business”, said Simon Jeffery, President of Sega of America. “We know our fans have missed playing their favorite Sega franchises on a Sega made console, so it’s very exciting to be able to bring that feeling back to them.”

As far as system specifications go, little is known in what to expect, but Sega have said that the console will in fact feature an HD-DVD drive, and an NVIDIA graphics processing unit.

“I’m very pleased to be working with Sega on their new Catalyst video game system” explains Jen-Hsun Huang, CEO and president of NVIDIA Corp. “We’ve worked well with them in the past on their arcade hardware, and this will only aid in further strengthening our relationship. We’re very happy Sega decided to reenter the hardware business and bring us along in what we know will be a great success.”

Production schedule's for current announced and due to be announced games will remain in tact. Also support for Virtual Console, Playstation Network and Xbox Live Arcade games will continue in hopes that it will drive the Sega brand into a new generation of gamers.


Im lost for words :eek: :cool:
Darkaber said:
erm its a australian web site they are now into tomorrow the 1st of april :rolleyes:

This is a true source

Hehe, sorry mea the article. Read and went wowser then remembered the latest EGM podcast where they're discussing famous gaming april fools so rechecked the date. :) They nearly had me going, it sounded good!
Taken from:

As you wander unsuspecting into your weekend, don't forget that the craziest game news day outside of E3 (well, maybe not anymore) is coming up. That's right, Sunday is April Fools Day, the one day a year where newsmakers and gamemakers everywhere stop making unintentional jokes and try to intentionally make up the most ludicrously believable fake stories that they can.

From BurgerCraft to real 1up mushrooms to cheat site shutdowns, no topic is safe. Heck, in the case of magazines, the actual joke can come in early March. Here are few tips to keep your coming weekend fool free.

* If it seems too good to be true, it probably is: We'd all love for Nintendo to suddenly give everyone who clicks a link a free Wii, but face it, it doesn't seem too likely.
* Sourcing is important: If a blockbuster April 1 story comes from unnamed sources or a mysteriously dead web site, remain skeptical. The least they could do is forge some documentation for their joke; make them work for it.
* It's Sunday: Big gaming news never comes out on Sunday. Then again, don't be surprised if some sites wait till Monday to spring their foolishness this year.
* Sega is not re-entering the hardware business. Nintendo is not leaving it: Actually, this is good advice to remember year round.
* Your favorite classic Sega franchise from yesteryear is not going to suddenly reappear as a Wii-exclusive title: Oh, wait....
* When in doubt, don't believe it: If the story pops up again in a week, you're probably in the clear.

Take heed of the above words...

smcshaw said:
Hehe, sorry mea the article. Read and went wowser then remembered the latest EGM podcast where they're discussing famous gaming april fools so rechecked the date. :) They nearly had me going, it sounded good!
Would have been awesome. I know many people would buy it simply because it's Sega. The Dreamcast has a cult following behind it that eclipses any other console before the current gen ones we play today.
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