Sending private messages to *MULTIPLE* people on Facebook?

17 Apr 2006
3rd rock...
Ermm not sure about this so just wanna make sure :o

I want to send a private message to multiple friends on FB.

So all I need to do is:

1. Open up the New Message window
2. Type friends names into the To field

..and send it off. Is that right?

The recipients will see a list of all the other people Ive messaged? (Dont mind if they do) or does it work like the BCC function in email?

Thanx :D
If you just go to message, then type in a name into the to box, then again, then again, it'll send to however many people. They'll all see any direct responses, and all the recipients, though.

Oh cool :) thanks for clarifying that! I want everyone to be able to see who else Ive sent it to..and the replies they send to me. will stay just within the group who I messaged and me right.

Oh wait see what youre sayin...if I message 10 people theres nothing stopping others adding another 5 into the replies etc.
Thanx m8 :)

BTW I just noticed youre in Helsinki - did you move there from the UK or you a native Finn? Thats a cool place (literally and figuratively lol). Wouldnt mind a long visit to Finland sometime :D
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