serious question , sold my pc what do i get?

30 Aug 2006
i just sold on my gaming pc a new i5 etc , yes games look great but i cant justify the time and money on the pc anymore.
Also i will be working away from home a lot abroad and having a 1k pc sitting at home is no good really .
i am not great at games although this is the first time in 14 years i have been without a gaming pc , only other consoles i have owned have been mega drive and dreamcast ;( oh and a ps2 with tekken ;)
i am out of touch with consoles and have been used to mouse and keyboards , i am uslss with the pads , but itss more of a i never had to use one sort of thing .
so what do i get a xbox? a ps3 , or wait and pick up a vita? it does look great ?
it really depends on what sort of games you like, since you say your going to be abroad and away from home then i suggest a handheld. DS/3DS or Vita.

personally i never like what sony does with its handhelds. was dissapointed with the psp - but again depends what exclusives take your fancy.
Well if you're working away abroad and don't want things left at home then the VITA would be your best choice as you can carry that with you.

But that is then a far leap from your PC... this will probably start the Xbox vs PC battle but I'd say if online gaming is what you want the most then an Xbox has the better online support ie PSN vs LIVE. If however online gaming isn't a the most important factor and you want better games then go for the PS3 as it has a lot of great exclusives and games that are written specifically for the PS3 look a lot better than that on the 360. With both consoles sharing the same multi-format games the deciding factor is the exclusives and the 360 is drying up there lately :(
cheers guys looks like a vita then ...... online gaming isnt all that to me and quite like uncharted games or the look of them anyhoo
Definitely sounds like its worth getting a portable (I guess phone gaming is too poor? Sold my DS after I got my iPhone as it duplicated that pick and play perfectly for me).

If you end up yearning for a console youll still have that option anyhow, not like it would make the portable defunct with your expected travelling...

ps3ud0 :cool:
PS3 + Heavy Rain = :)

If you're not "big" in to gaming; I'd suggest a DS Lite and the Vita (I've not seen anything about it tbh) but there are some pretty good casual but still good games for the DS and it's quite cheap and can be used easily on the go. Pokemon is a must :cool: but Heart Gold / Soul Silver ;)
Vita for your travelling and as you're already getting a PS product you may as well grab a PS3 (dirt cheap these days) for when you're home.
I travel abroad a lot and if I go to a country for more than 3 or 4 months, I will take either my ps3 or xbox with me as the slim versions fit into my carry on luggage or if I can't be bothered I would just take some games with me and buy a console in what ever country I am going too.
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