I started out by learning all of the open chords as it teaches you to hit/mute certain strings to get them sounding as they should. You'll find endless songs that just use these chords, and after a while your left hand will be fluent enough to change between these with ease.
Then move onto the barre chords. Although hard to get right at first, after a while they will become second nature. However, having a good guitar that is setup right is important because of the pain that you will get when first doing them. You'll find that your thumb may ache quite quickly and may feel uncomfertable at first, but that should soon go too.
After this, you should be able to play every chord that is either major or minor, as well as have a good strong left hand for playing power-chords which are very similar to play.
The most important thing will be remembering notes on the guitar. Learn the E and A string(s) and then you will know 50% of all of the notes on the neck already.

Then move onto the barre chords. Although hard to get right at first, after a while they will become second nature. However, having a good guitar that is setup right is important because of the pain that you will get when first doing them. You'll find that your thumb may ache quite quickly and may feel uncomfertable at first, but that should soon go too.
After this, you should be able to play every chord that is either major or minor, as well as have a good strong left hand for playing power-chords which are very similar to play.
The most important thing will be remembering notes on the guitar. Learn the E and A string(s) and then you will know 50% of all of the notes on the neck already.