Shaving gel != Deodorant

Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
All was going well this morning - had a lavish breakfast, lots of freshly baked italian bread with a multitude of jams to spread, lots of lovely coffee, and a pretty waitress looking after me. Blue skies and hot sunny rays baking down on me. Perfect. (well it could be a bit better...)

Brush my teeth without a hitch - it's a task that is of course 2nd nature by now... as is shaving and deodourising. However this morning I seemed to have been hit with an ineptitude to do either.

Firstly I grab my "deodorant" and spray conservatively under my arms only to find a somewhat "odd" sensation of having foam squelshing under my armpits. "Bugger" was one of the words used...

After "another" quick shower, I take the opportunity to have a shave, making sure I pick up the shaving foam - I push the nozzle only to have my hands covered in antipespirant spray :rolleyes: :o

Anybody ever have one of those days where nothing seems to be going smoothly???

I hope today is short and everything else goes well... I have a niggling feeling it may not be though :(
LOL, you must have missed my post a month back about a similar thing i did:-

Woke up, showered etc, had breakfast put suit on, got in car, then realised it was
SUNDAY !! ! !

it happens, sign of getting older i think
Magic_x_uk said:
it happens, sign of getting older i think
Feared as much :/

I actually did forget my glasses and had to go back to my room (on the top floor) to get them :o (Only very slightly short sighted, but enough for me to notice...).

Will it's nearly 10... I've been on board for 2 hrs, so far I haven't done anything TOO disasterous... I'm scared. :o
Freefaller said:
Oh no... please don't tell me I'm turning into Lister!!! :o :(

I watched that episode just yesterday. Surely you're just one step away from hammering your socks back into shape and spray-painting your arse to cover the hole in your trousers! :D
Reminds me of New Years Eve a few years ago.

A few mates had come over for a few beers before we headed off on the lash, while in my room messing about on the PS2 etc. one of them thought it would be fun to have a rummage through the Xmas presents that were still piled in my room from a week earlier.

Obviously I had the obligatory pack of toiletries which you get from grandparents/aunties. Having found these he thought it would be a good idea to top up his stench (already smelt like a tart) with some deoderant, unfortunately he'd picked up the shaving gel from the same pack and proceeded to spray this onto his shirt. Of course, being the type of gel that froths up, his attempts to wipe it off just made things worse! He's not yet lived it down. :D
Look on the plus side Will. You will have non sweaty hands all day. Still funny though. :D

It's when you start taking a leak in a litter bin, mistaken for la toilette, that you should start to wonder if your mind is going.
I was very rough one Sunday, mainly because I'd done about 1,000 shots the night before. I brushed my teeth without incident but when it came to the mouthwash, I filled the cap to the brim and downed it in one. :( I threw up immediately and had minty fresh burps all day. :D
Pick two: Food, Women, Concentration :D

I haven't done anything silly so far, apart from being wide awake after 4hrs sleep which was weird. I found myself in the middle of my room before I decided I should go back to sleep?
Tru said:
I was very rough one Sunday, mainly because I'd done about 1,000 shots the night before. I brushed my teeth without incident but when it came to the mouthwash, I filled the cap to the brim and downed it in one. :( I threw up immediately and had minty fresh burps all day. :D

Ouch, dont make me laugh, it huuuurts!!! LOL!
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