Shipping or selling hifi?

27 Dec 2009
Ok I've had my old system now for years and it's still going strong. Denon Avca10-SE, POAT10, matching radio and bluray player with B&W 603 S3 fronts, 4 602 s2 mid rear and a pair of THX surround speakers (selectable from the POAT10). The system is flawless (but dated I know). I'm moving to Australia mid next year and I'm deciding whether to ship it or sell it along with my Pioneer Kuro tv. I'm well out of the scene with equipment so what sort of price am I looking at to get the same/better quality in comparison to the expense of shipping.
Regardless of the claims in the hifi rag press, kit really hasn't improved that much, so assume that you're likely to need to spend a similar amount again. Sure, you might get some snazzy new functionality, but unfortunately, a lot of making something sound good is simply down to engineering quality.

My suggestion is that you re-assess what you want. Do you want the same again, or a move towards say Dolby Atmos at one extreme, or just stereo at another. Then think about how much you actually intend to spend.

Lastly, go have a look on Ebay for Australia and also Hifishark, which is a useful site.
Are you staying in Australia long term? Do you know what your accommodation will be like there? You've got a very nice system and it would be a shame if you couldn't have it setup properly. Might give you a nice excuse for an upgrade!
I'd definitely see what the cost of selling and replacing with similar was vs shipping. I love my B&W 603 system, and although there may be better things out there, its more than good enough for me. I may have the same situation occur but to New Zealand, and have been weighing this up already (years in advance)
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