Any chance a passing Don/UB could make his thread into a poll with the following options please?
1. I'm a Man Utd fan - He should stay
2. I'm a Man Utd fan - He should go!
3. I'm not a Man Utd fan - He should stay
4. I'm not a Man Utd fan - He should go!
I know we end up with a thread like this before practically every season so I wanted to get mine in before the World Cup kicks off...
Well another season has passed and I doubt many Man Utd fans are happy with the way things have gone. Again poor transfer usage and injuries led to a disappointing and inconsistent season. The stories hitting the headlines weren't the win over Chelsea or Arsenal but the failure to progress in the Champions League, the bust-up with first Keano and then Ruud... Things seem to have gone sourer than ever at the Theatre of Dreams and like many I feel that until Ferguson steps down, (or is pushed) we won't be able to challenge Chelsea in the Premiership or the rest of Europe in the CL.
Already this summer the big three have been getting in early to make crucial buys before the World Cup starts, yet the most exciting piece of news we've managed is Quentin Fortune's possible move.
I'd be really interested to hear what the Man United fans on the forum and also those who support other teams think.
A lot of people seem to be stuck in the past - 'He's done so much for the club' etc. I agree he has been probably the most successful manager in the Premiership, but as SAF himself has said, there is no room for sentimentality in professional football.
I would rather see action taken now than a slow slide towards mediocrity which looks inevitable with SAF at the helm.
Blame Tony Soprano for bringing this all up lol
1. I'm a Man Utd fan - He should stay
2. I'm a Man Utd fan - He should go!
3. I'm not a Man Utd fan - He should stay
4. I'm not a Man Utd fan - He should go!
I know we end up with a thread like this before practically every season so I wanted to get mine in before the World Cup kicks off...
Well another season has passed and I doubt many Man Utd fans are happy with the way things have gone. Again poor transfer usage and injuries led to a disappointing and inconsistent season. The stories hitting the headlines weren't the win over Chelsea or Arsenal but the failure to progress in the Champions League, the bust-up with first Keano and then Ruud... Things seem to have gone sourer than ever at the Theatre of Dreams and like many I feel that until Ferguson steps down, (or is pushed) we won't be able to challenge Chelsea in the Premiership or the rest of Europe in the CL.
Already this summer the big three have been getting in early to make crucial buys before the World Cup starts, yet the most exciting piece of news we've managed is Quentin Fortune's possible move.
I'd be really interested to hear what the Man United fans on the forum and also those who support other teams think.
A lot of people seem to be stuck in the past - 'He's done so much for the club' etc. I agree he has been probably the most successful manager in the Premiership, but as SAF himself has said, there is no room for sentimentality in professional football.
I would rather see action taken now than a slow slide towards mediocrity which looks inevitable with SAF at the helm.
Blame Tony Soprano for bringing this all up lol