should i be getting more FPS? CPU@30% GPU@75%?

23 Oct 2002
hi guys, system as in sig.

i previously had a 4 core no HT CPU which i upgraded as it was maxing out in battlefield games and the demo made me overclock it so bad i fried it. eek. oh well. now, playing BF5 for example i get around 60-70fps with most settings on high. but task manager tells me my CPU is running at 30% and GPU at 75%. temps are fine so its not throttling. why is my GPU only working at 75% when i could be getting a lot better fps. for reference i can max out my GPU on BF4 and fifa to get 150 fps all in ultra.

if it makes any difference i just plugged this new mobo/cpu/ram into my old PC case and windows picked it all up without a fresh install. but now it seems i cant install the AMD CPU software that might be to do with using an existing install. not sure this is relevant tho.

thx peeps.
60-70 fps seems correct for a GTX 970 @ 1080p have you have tried installing MSI afterburner and using the OSD to see what your usages are like?
60-70 fps seems correct for a GTX 970 @ 1080p have you have tried installing MSI afterburner and using the OSD to see what your usages are like?
ill give that a go. yeah that kind of what i expected but wasnt expecting to see the card only at 75%. id have thought it would be running at full steam.
ok. just ran a game with the MSI afteburner on. GPU didnt get hotter than 71 and stayed put at around 75% usage?!?
the weirdest thing tho, the GPU spikes to 87% when im in the screen to select my soldier?!? makes no sense.
ok. just ran a game with the MSI afteburner on. GPU didnt get hotter than 71 and stayed put at around 75% usage?!?
the weirdest thing tho, the GPU spikes to 87% when im in the screen to select my soldier?!? makes no sense.
Was that what the afterburner OSD was saying in game?
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