Just wondering if anyone here has got an SIA license and does security guard work for a living?
Was speaking to a security guard last night and he was telling me that a lot of companies do your training, license and get you a job so you don't have to fork out for the cost of training and the £250 license fee.
Just wondering if anyone does this? After hearing Mr Darwin saying that the recession is going to get worse, i thought i would possibly do this so at least i know i will always have a job as security guards are always needed.
Look forward to your replies.
Was speaking to a security guard last night and he was telling me that a lot of companies do your training, license and get you a job so you don't have to fork out for the cost of training and the £250 license fee.
Just wondering if anyone does this? After hearing Mr Darwin saying that the recession is going to get worse, i thought i would possibly do this so at least i know i will always have a job as security guards are always needed.
Look forward to your replies.