Sicko on youtube

9 Jan 2005
I was looking for funny vids so I typed in rap and sucks in youtube as this always is a winner. Anyway I cam across this. The video is not what I'm pointing out here it's just a innocent young girl playing with her dolls but look what at what some guy's said in a response.

Terrible the girls only 13 for goodness sake. :mad:

I went through youtubes site to contact the people of youtube saying I believe the message should be remove this morning and it's still there.
There's no actual swearing in his response so I don't think this thread should be close his response is just simple inappropriate. I thought it's worth posting here has some kind of lesson for parents and how important it is to watch what your kids are doing online and so on.
WatchTower said:
There's no actual swearing in his response so I don't think this thread should be close his response is just simple inappropriate. I thought it's worth posting here has some kind of lesson for parents and how important it is to watch what your kids are doing online and so on.
Did you really post here as a warning for parents or was it a "let's flame the guy that made a sick joke" thread ;)
Majago said:
Did you really post here as a warning for parents or was it a "let's flame the guy that made a sick joke" thread ;)

Nah, its so Penski could postt something witty here or on there :D
Rich1988 said:
um what exactly is this linked to?
A girl playing with dolls apparantly - won't show at uni

The link is to do with the guys comment on youtube

edit/ wasted 30 seconds typing that :(
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