Sim racers - what are you running?

Personally If you can get 120fps then I'd get a 120hz monitor as it does make a big difference.

If budget allows the bigger the better. I went from a 27" to a 49" ultra wide and could never go back now. With the correct FOV you can smash apexes every time.

Had an old monitor kicking around so mounted it to the back of the rig with an old monitor arm, works really well! Moza R12 and KS pre-ordered.

On another note, if anyone races on ACC and is a premium member on RaceDepartment the ACC club have a Spa endurance event on the 13th of April, single driver or teams welcome
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Hi all which do you think is the better buy for entry level direct drive?

Moza R5 bundle circa £480. 5.5 Nm wheel base, ES wheel and SRP-lite pedals. But I believe the pedals aren't direct PC plug in so have to go through the wheelbase?

Moza R9 + ES wheel + SRP pedals (non lite version which I understand to be directly PC plug in). Total for these separate parts is around £675.

Fanatec ready 2 race bundle either 5Nm (£400) or 8Nm (£500) which comes with wheelbase, P1 V2 wheel and CSL pedals.

Or something else, eg Moza wheel base with different pedals?

I will be hoping to mount whatever I buy to a Playseat Challenge X logitech edition. So as far as Im aware that raises two issues - flex from more powerful DD wheelbases, and the mounting hole options.
I'm going KS wheel and R12 base. Moving up from a Fanatec CSL PS4 and McLaren GT3 rim.
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