Skyrim PC or PS3? owners of both systems question...

28 Mar 2004
Newcastle upon Tyne
I need some opinions, from folks who own a ps3 and/or 360 and a decent PC, who are getting skyrim.

If your getting skyrim for the pc can you explain why?

I don't want anyone without consoles to reply, thank you.

Reason for thread is that I've just been playing Dead Space 2(I find it boring, but might stick to it) on my PC and it's got me thinking on which version to get, was all set to buy the ps3 version as PC hardware just isn't getting much love with these cross platform releases, but maybe skyrim is....

My PC is a quad core, 6gb ram and a 5850 1gb card or something, playss deadspace 2 very smoothly on high settings.

your opinions will be much appreciated.
mods , mods , mods , more mods

and community patchs not to mention the ocasional total conversion like "nehrim" for oblivion
heres morrowind with the graphical overhaul mods a game released in 2002....
Even for a first playthrough you might find the odd mod useful. Take New Vegas for example, i used a mod 2 days after release to centre the third person camera to make it easier to play. Similarly with The Witcher 2 there were small mods which greatly improved the game practically from day one.

I imaginw you will get a good performance from your PC as well, umless you are playing at an insane res.
I've never been one for the mod scene, but since I was devastated with the quality of Witcher 2 (stopped me buying PC games), I think I'll check out its mods, nice post to get me thinking, I might actually like Witcher 2 after all(after mods).

This is a big decision as I plan on spending a lot of time in the world of Skyrim... I might even take the electricity bill into account!

Just wondering if there is any major stand out difference between the versions apart from the mod scene?

Do you think on my PC it would look significantly better then PS3?

On a side note, will this have full 360 controller support for the PC?
I've never been one for the mod scene, but since I was devastated with the quality of Witcher 2 (stopped me buying PC games), I think I'll check out its mods, nice post to get me thinking, I might actually like Witcher 2 after all(after mods).

This is a big decision as I plan on spending a lot of time in the world of Skyrim... I might even take the electricity bill into account!

Just wondering if there is any major stand out difference between the versions apart from the mod scene?

Do you think on my PC it would look significantly better then PS3?

On a side note, will this have full 360 controller support for the PC?

How were you devastated with the Witcher 2? :eek:
Gameplay was/is unexciting. Combat I just dislike immensely, it seemed like you could only efficiently fight one enemy at a time. The inventory was just a mess. I kept on forgetting what those signs mean for your special abilities. The story was weak up to the point I played(I got to the second town(when a main character gets poisoned and you have to get the cure), after walking through a war zone of phantoms, so I guess it must get MUCH better?)

Cut scenes were choppy or something, if I remember correctly. Armour upgrades, as well as weapon upgrades were nothing special.

I can't think of one thing that impressed me tbh.

However, can you recommend any mods?

As far as Skyrim goes, I'm still undecided. I can get the PC version a tenner less, but a tenner is nowt really based on how long I plan to play it for.

Many things really. It started out quite fun too.
^^ I was also slightly disappointed with TW2 but still thought it was a very good game.

With regards to your points on gameplay, most of that has been patched, you can now attack more than one person at a time from the start(previously it was an unlock for some bizzare reason) and difficulty has been balanced, with a proper tutorial added. Also blocking no longer takes stamina i believe so you can use it effectively.
Also as i said, there were mods almost immiediately released which changed these things as well so it was never an issue for me anyway

I also was very much underwhelmed by the story and the environments(only one or two real cities to explore!) and felt one of the paths in particular was quite boring. The ending was also disappointing as well.

It is still a good game though imo and worth playing at least once i would say, it will be interesting to see what they do with proper dlc
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Disregarding the mod scene (Which is a huge selling point) and the improvement in visual quality (Resolution and AA mainly.)

Cloud saves / frame rate are big deals imo, a friend was showing me the ps3 version of Oblivion recently and it chugs pretty hard at times.
Disregarding the mod scene (Which is a huge selling point) and the improvement in visual quality (Resolution and AA mainly.)

Cloud saves / frame rate are big deals imo, a friend was showing me the ps3 version of Oblivion recently and it chugs pretty hard at times.

Yes, it does chug along pretty badly. The question is is this new engine optimized for consoles, unlike the last one?

It would be nice to be able to play a demo of each a week before releases to be honest.

When I see games like Uncharted, God of War, Heavy Rain etc. on the PS3, it gets me thinking about how much developers can do with so little power(compared to a £400 PC).
I have both PC and a PS3, and although I can say fighting games like Tekken and racing games such as Wipeout benefit from being on the PS3. I think FPS'ers, RTS's and 3rd person games such as Skyrim belong on the PC.

Having owned Morrowind and spent an entire day just "walking around" I've never been a fan of the Elder Scrolls. It's like GTA, if you don't do missions, you just walk round, steal cars and blow stuff up. I'm not a fan of that sort of gaming, I prefer the "do this, go here, kill the enemy" sort of games.

Plus, my friend marketed Skyrim to me by saying "it's just like Warcraft, only offline" now having outright refused to play Warcraft on the basis that, I have a life outside of my bedroom. I fail to see the attraction that games like Warcraft and Skyrim offer
I'm getting it on pc because I can't stand the low resolution and poor graphics of PS3 games anymore.

Add to that the ability to mod it, the fact it's cheaper and works with an xbox controller makes it a complete no brainer for me.
I have both PC and a PS3, and although I can say fighting games like Tekken and racing games such as Wipeout benefit from being on the PS3. I think FPS'ers, RTS's and 3rd person games such as Skyrim belong on the PC.

Having owned Morrowind and spent an entire day just "walking around" I've never been a fan of the Elder Scrolls. It's like GTA, if you don't do missions, you just walk round, steal cars and blow stuff up. I'm not a fan of that sort of gaming, I prefer the "do this, go here, kill the enemy" sort of games.

Plus, my friend marketed Skyrim to me by saying "it's just like Warcraft, only offline" now having outright refused to play Warcraft on the basis that, I have a life outside of my bedroom. I fail to see the attraction that games like Warcraft and Skyrim offer

I don't think modern day RPGs, in the vein of Oblivion/Skyrim do belong on the PC. The control scheme is perfect for consoles now, in fact I'm convinced Witcher 2 was meant for console release, maybe they messed up or the PC version was actually a mass BETA.

Modern day western RPG games are now very console focused.

I'm just wondering if Bethsheda will make a half assed PC version or not. If not, then I will get the PC version.

This 32bit only rumour is another worry. I'm going to look into that one...

Your friend is very wrong btw.
With the obvious such as mods, better graphical performance and most likely cheaper RRP you also got the developer console with people forget about which I often find is vital for bug ridden Bethesda games. Other than corrupt saves you can pretty much use it to correct game/quest breaking bugs that'd otherwise require you to start again. However the PC version will probably end up more bug ridden due to being a port which is often the case these days.
PC is the one to go for:

1) Modding will be awesome

2) Patches will fix any bugs

3) Cheaper

The latter two points isn't necessarily just applicable to the PC version, the PS3 and 360 versions of Oblivion received exactly the same patches at the same time and could be found for less than 20 quid on release.

The moddability is why Skyrim PC is the one to go for though. Who doesn't want boobies on town guards?
I'm getting it on pc because I can't stand the low resolution and poor graphics of PS3 games anymore.

Add to that the ability to mod it, the fact it's cheaper and works with an xbox controller makes it a complete no brainer for me.

It's just the potential crashing and compatibility issues or performance problems that is playing on my mind...

The PS3 looks amazing on my set, 3D Killzone 3 in particular.

I think after reading from other threads and what people have said on this thread, I have a distinct feeling that this is going to be very console centric. The disk space requirement is ideal for a xbox 360 standpoint(no need to change disks).

32bit only on the PC suggests that it isn't optimized whatsoever for high end PC's.
With the obvious such as mods, better graphical performance and most likely cheaper RRP you also got the developer console with people forget about which I often find is vital for bug ridden Bethesda games. Other than corrupt saves you can pretty much use it to correct game/quest breaking bugs that'd otherwise require you to start again. However the PC version will probably end up more bug ridden due to being a port which is often the case these days.

It's nice to be able to fix the game, but I want to play it not develop it, I don't mean to sound funny or anything.

Your final sentence is exactly what has been putting me off the PC version.
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