slim fast - anyone on it/tried it?

17 Jan 2006
North Wales
Suprisingly morissons have some offer on (something like 2cans for £1.20) and the girls in my flat have just started drinking it so thought id give it ago.

Strange taste but nicer then i thought it would be.

Is anyone on it or used it?

Might be better in the sports forum but wasnt sure? sorry if it isnt.

Does it work? im going to start trying it i think because i am overweight and need to go on a diet.
I've tried it before, and lost some weight, but got bored and put that weight (plus more) back on.
Healthy lifestyle comprising of eating healthily and being active is the key.
(I'm still working on it :( )
Of course it works but like most diets you need a reason and the will power to stick to it. It's not a medical cure, you have to work hard at it.

I lost 5 stone on slim fast but it wasn't just due that - i was deteremined and i was training hard at the same time. I was consuming about 1500 calories a day and was buring a lot more easily.

At first it was hard but after the first month the weight just dropped off until i lost too much..
its a meal substitute.. so dont be drinking this on top of your lunch or dinner or you'll be doing the opposite to losing weight
Just remember that loosing weight by just dieting alone it is very likely that the weight is just going to come back on once you come off it and go back to your regular eating habits. Personally I think you would be better off eating healthy meals and snacks combined with a decent exercise program.
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