Slow Firfox speeds with utorrent

31 Aug 2004
Basically I had this problem on my main rig where firefox would take ages to load any page when utorrent was running regardless of downloads/uploads. I fixed this but have no idea what I did and can't find it using google anymore. If anyone knows I'd really appreciate it.
I get this sometimes. I use Opera and Utorrent. It seems very hit and miss as well, for example at the moment im downloading at a total of about 100Kbps and browsing is fine. But other times browsing slows right down to a crawl, but Utorrent is only using like 5kbps. :confused:
Too many concurrent connections are saturating your router/broadband connection or/and your upload bandwidth is set to more than 80% of your actual upload speed.

Go into preferences > Bitorrent

Global Maximum Connections : 200-300
Maximum number of peers per torrent : 80-150
Number of upload slots per torrent : 1-3

Depending on your net connection you can limit the global upload speed in

Preferences > Connection

Global Maximum upload rate > less than 80% of your upload bandwidth

Currently downloading at 120kBs (my typical average)
Uploading at 50kBs (Average)

No problems with browsing on a 4 Mb connection.
Nope didn't work. I also have a 4mb connection with a 40kb upload. I usually limit the upload to 25kb and hit download speeds as high as 400kb sometimes.

utorrent isn'teven downloading anything atm but every page I go to is really slow.
Torrent clients generally make your pc cry. Every one I've tried has hogged ram and made multitasking a chore.
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Zefan : utorrent doens't nail your pc..

set the upload to say 6kb and see if the internet speeds increase, i have mine set to 30 at night time and about 15 during the day

you might need to use this to patch the number of half open connections (check eventvwr when torrent program is open and see if you get loads of 4226 errors -this fixes it)
I remeber doing something to nethalfopen in the advance settings on my other PC maybe it has something to do with that?
Check eventviewer to make sure you've not reached the XP imposed half open connection limit of 10 ;)

*edit* beaten to it! That's what happens when you go for your lunch without hitting the reply button :rolleyes:
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I downloaded the file, and AV gave this

Are you sure this is safe? (downloaded from author's site)
Does that with me, its due to the modification to an important windows file(s).

The patcher isnt harmful though, i've been using it for ages (though i suppose that may vary depending on where you download it).
its definatly safe

basically it opens up a 'hole' that microsoft had before which allowed pc's to talk to an almost unlimited number of computers at once (they patched it to 10, to stop any future viruses like the blaster virus from being effective)

just disable AMON and IMON in nod32 then use that site :)
It allows more half-open connections with XP.

XP is limited to 10 half-open connections, the patch increases the limit to 50.
tchan_4 said:
Is this patch just for the thread problem of "Slow Firfox speeds with utorrent"
or does this also increase torrent speeds?

if you're getting 4226 errors in event viewer (probably are!) then use the patch, a must for anyone running torrents tbh
bledd. said:
if you're getting 4226 errors in event viewer (probably are!) then use the patch, a must for anyone running torrents tbh

Removed mine, it caused problems for me...... but it use to help. Router tended to drop out with the patch applied.

Works for most people though.
t31os said:
Removed mine, it caused problems for me...... but it use to help. Router tended to drop out with the patch applied.

Works for most people though.

How do you remove it, just incase causes me problems.

EDIT: nevermind.
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The patch was allready instaled so i uninstalled it.

I remeber it was a specific Firefox related problem and there was a fix for it but I just have no idea what I searched on googleto find it. :(

Edit I think it's fine now as I'm downloading and browsing the forums at an acceptable speed.
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