Small 17" widescreen or a bit bigger to compliment 24"

18 Apr 2004
Milton Keynes, UK

I currently have a 24" benq monitor FP241W for use with my photo editing, however, I'm looking for a small monitor (quality dont have to be good) for use for my tools, i.e. dragging photoshop tools, video editing tools to it so I have the full screen for editing my stuff.

I know my 24" at vertical end is 1200 pixels, and even the smallest 17" wide is a bit over that which is fine, but is there such thing as a small widescreen TFT monitor that can be turned on its vertical side?

I wouldn't mind eventually having 2 benq 24" screens a single vertical widescreen one... not sure if I need two graphics card for this or one card with 3 outputs, or even one of those matrox triplehead2go series to power this.

Please advise me :)
id just get another 24" BenQ tbh mate, theyre cheap enough, will look better, better to work with, 2/3rds of the way to eyefinity etc..

Question is what graphics card do you have?.. if its not very old then it should have 2 DVI outputs or maybe a VGA output.

Triplehead2go is dead technology i believe mate, most of all the new ATi graphics card support "Eyefinity" which is running 3 displays off one card (some can do 6). But youll also need a mini displayport to dvi adaptor for the 3rd screen as i believe eyefinity cards have 2xDVI out and 1 mini displayport out... so you need to adapt that to DVI.
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