Smallville Query

18 Oct 2002
The Darkside
Now I've been waiting for Smallville season 6 I think it is to come on to E4 and I was chatting to some of my friends last night who are home for christmas and they brought up the show Smallville.

I was gobsmacked to hear that they have watched the new season on E4 which is finished or nearly finished.

For the life of me I can't understand how I managed to miss the whole season and there's me waiting to the usual January/Feb airing.

Has it been shown on E4/C4 or have they been pulling my leg? I had to close my ears cause they started to talk about events that I haven't seen.

I'll be gutted if it has been shown and if so, why was it aired in the UK so early as we normally waited till jan/feb/march for the season?

I must have been in a coma or something.
Only 9 episodes of Season 6 have been shown in the USA and as far as I know, none of them have yet been shown in the UK on any channel. They're rather good though ;)
My friends must be muppets then. I can hardly remember the last part of season 5 cause E4 showed it that long ago.

I bet my friends have recently watched the re-runs of S6 since they only got into the show a year ago and were watching the show on DVD. When I couldn't remember what they were talking about is to do with the fact that I had forgotten it and when they had only recently watched S5, they are doing the normal discussion.

There's noway they have watched it in another way like the way you mentioned as they aren't smart enough for that.

Cheers for that.
Nah season 6 hasn't started on E4 yet I'd guess it'll start in January as it has done the last 2 years.

The only thing I can remember from season 5 was it finished with (from what I can remember!) **SPOILERS**

Clark got sent into some square in space by Spike from Buffy/Angel (you can tell I'm a hardcore fan!)
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