So i tried to use my old WoW Account

30 Nov 2003
In a house
Only to find that i could not use my old account when trying to merge it with the Battlenet system

Several emails to Blizzard and i get access to my old account only to find my main character is no more, a couple of my old characters are there, but my Lvl 70 Warrior is gone :mad:

In its place is a Lvl 85 Orc Warrior, which appears to be a very active character, High ranking member of a Guild, PVP, Raids etc.., from the activity logs, it looks like the character has been used extensively over the last couple of months,

There are also several other characters with various levels from 20's up to 60's

I stopped playing past way through Burning Crusade once i levelled my Warrior to 70 then i lost interest, the account now has Cataclysm linked to it which i have never purchased !

Its been several years since i played, and TBH i just did Quests, i didn't really understand the PVP, Raids, etc..

TBH i don't really know what to do with it now !!!
Right i have stuck an authenticator on the account

Across the characters there is approx 1500 Gold

The new Lvl 85 Character is : Zorrél i think the realm is Draenor

I'm pretty much at a loss how to use the character !!!

Phil G
I am leaning towards stripping this character and starting afresh,

I'm a bit ****ed as it took me 12 months to lvl my original warrior to lvl 70, but then again i prob have forgotten how to use it anyway

I have done a couple of lvl85 quests with this morning, and tbh even though I'm completing the quests I'm not sure what I'm doing or what the aim is.

Can i still Mail equipment and money to new characters that i create to help with the levelling ?

I might put one of the other characters in an auction house

any other suggestions as what to do ?
can i not mail money anymore ?

i was going to base a character in an Auction house, not put it on the Auction House :D

mmmm, i need to decide if i want to get into all this again, i remember how much time this consumed lvl'ing last time
Bit of an update

i have not done anything yet to the new characters added to my account, i have sent a couple of messages to the friends that are attached to the characters to say i have reclaimed the account etc..

There is not a subscription linked tot he account apart from the 3 month one i have added.

I have started new character to see if i want to get back into this, since yesterday with a couple of hrs play i have lvl'd a new Warrior up to Lvl 20 (it feels like you can lvl a lot quicker now) , I am starting to get a feel for it again, there are so many new additions to the game since i last played, but I'm picking it up quickly.

Will see how i get on.

Phil G
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