So Ive been scammed on Gumtree... what are my options?

22 Jun 2005
Hi guys.

So yes im an idiot who sent money with gumtree.. now I know it was a stupid thing to do so I dont need reminding. Fact is Ive lost close to 400 notes. I asked for his address etc before hand and have his phone number and bank details. Where do I go from here? He has not responded to any of my calls or threats of getting the police involved. I believe he most probably used a fake name and address however I managed to find details of who he MIGHT be using google and the mobile number I was texting him on and even found said persons facebook (If it is him). The ad is still on Gumtree

So I know that my bank will not just chargeback the money i assume? Unless I ring them up and say there had been an unauthorized transaction?

It was a lot of money to me so obviously I really would like to get it back. As people like him will just carry on doing it

Any help or tips would be much appreciated!

Cheers all
I received absolutely nothing... what I was meant to receive were two vintage turntables as gifts for my grandpa! It has been about 17 hours
Unfortunately it was an authorized transaction.

The police would be the best bet if you can prove fraud(otherwise I think its a civil thing).

How long has it been?

I understand that. But what would stop someone hypothetically calling the bank and saying they had lost said card and that they want to cancel it/check if there had been any unauthorized use?

I know but it was meant to arrive here today. The last thing he said was he had received money and 10 texts/ 10 calls later he just lets it go to voicemail (he was very persistent to receive the money to get it posted asap) so I am 100% certain ive been duped
[FnG]magnolia;26996318 said:
The rational part of me says that 400 quid over the course of your life time is nothing and, whilst annoying and frustrating, is perhaps just One Of Those Things.

The not so rational part thinks about stupid vendettas and lawyers and ballache that you don't really need or want so why bother?

Chalk it up as a lesson.

Whilst I do agree, this person shouldnt be allowed to carry on doing it.


I assume you sent the money via BT? So you did it online? (access logs) or you did it in a bank(CCTV).

I'm not trying to be a dick but another illegal thing isnt going to help.

Have you checked the tracking code?

I understand that... well he cut off communication the second I asked for the tracking code... if you mean for the posting of the goods?

And it was done via BT online
I believe the name and address he gave me were both wrong. However I got lucky with a google search of the number that got me the name of the person who that number is registered to. And using 192 I can pay a tenner to get full details of said person. Ive also found him and his missus on facebook. I was thinking about texting him saying that I have his details and will be forwarding them on to the police but Iam not 100% sure it is him.

Iam also trying to contact him on an alternative number to try and get more details by saying I will collect it so dont want to spook him too much.
17 hours?

You mean you paid at 6pm yesterday?

You mean the post is supposed to arrive today after an after-6.00pm post?

You text/phoned 10 times and threatened the police in 17 hours?

Sorry we began speaking 2 days ago and I sent payment at 3pm (knackered so just roughly calculated 17 :o )

I know it sounds keen but you know when youve been done. Looking back at the messages it seems far more obvious and it has definitely been a scam from the beginning.
If I explained the entire story in depth it would probably spell out scam more but yeah I already said I wouldnt do a thing until the end of the posting day anyway IN CASE it miraculously turns up!
Oh of course when I was messaging him it was in a very polite and concerned way as opposed to me threatening with anger! I am not that mad!
I think you need to relax and revisit this on Monday/Tuesday if you still haven't received anything.

If I sold you something at 6pm last night and you started tracking me and my partner down on facebook to accuse us of scamming you I would rightfully think you have issues.

:eek::eek: I know I know its me just getting all panicy. To be fair I havent sent a message ever containing an accusation. All messages sent have been very nice messages saying things like "is everything alright buddy? Havent heard anything from you yet so getting worried!"

I am only thinking outloud on here with regards to what if's scenarios
Just spoke to him. He says they're still available for sale. I asked where he is so I could come and collect them, to which he replied that he was driving and will call me back.

Sorry broski, you been done.

Thought as much. Thanks for ringing. He also just responded to my text saying that they are still for sale (From a different phone) How best to proceed? try and get his ACTUAL details?
Maybe he's busy with family and asleep.
Maybe he's been rushed into hospital.
Maybe he's sent the item and it's on the way.

You've left it less than a day and by the sounds of it you wern't keen on the transaction at all to be chasing them immediately. You've jumped the gun and started accusing fraud with no evidence, he could be a scammer but sending texts and calls straight after I would probably refund and refuse to sell to you.

Scratch that, my message took ages to write and posted above beat me...

Hi mate as you probably read it did turn out to be a scam. I have done plenty of sales on MM here and hundreds of online sales. I am far from keen I am quite a chilled buyer. I just had a bad feeling anyway and shouldve followed my gut. Turned out I was correct hence me being very keen!
I am indeed an absolute utter tool for doing what I did. The worst thing is Ive been patiently waiting for these items to come available local for like 2 months but I thought id take the chance (FOOL).

POTENTIAL GOOD NEWS THOUGH. I am on the phone to the fraud team at barclays and they say that his account looks like a typical fraudsters account and are going to put a block on the transaction... but I am on hold now so hoping that does indeed happen!!
the hypothetical last name might be in the "palmer" of your hand.

just got off the phone with barclays.. they said it looks like a typical scam account. I think they have blocked the transaction however They say I must email [email protected] with any evidence I have and that can take a month.. so guess Ill be doing that now.
Haha well ill be dammed. I sent him a polite text ending with his real name saying that I will be going to the police... He instantly replied saying that he will post the goods now. I said no I want my money back I don't want to buy something from a fraudster and he responded that I'll have to post them back as he just sent them. He must have been extremely scared. Sadly I don't want to deal with a thief and just want my money back
well I expressed my disinterest in buying anything from him and the fact that he hasnt even provided tracking details. Of course I will not be paying a penny to ship 20kg worth of stuff back as he is the one who is the criminal! Havent had a response yet though
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