So Ive been scammed on Gumtree... what are my options?

well I assume he will if he has indeed posted it. He could just be buying time for some reason? But then why would he bother even replying to me.
So I gave him until 5 to either refund or send full tracking details. He said ok thanks...that was 2 hours ago. It is now 4:55 and nothing.. so I guess it's time to get police involved.
What would be the best way to go about it? Report it at my local police station or phone up his local one which would be either Durham police or Thames Valley ?

The money is gone and there is no getting it back. Gumtree is about face-to-face transactions.

even if I never get the money back.. I cannot have someone get away with doing that to people. I believe I have enough information on him to easily have him tracked down by the police. If something is illegal it should be dealt with no matter what. I just want to know the most efficient way of doing things as I assume the met cant do anything to someone living in durham or buckinghamshire
Well luckily the old dearest father has come home and is coming with me to the police station. He is an ex copper/ current criminal solicitor and said he actually had to defend a gumtree fraud a couple of months ago so should hopefully help get something started.

Going there now! Cheers for all the help/critique of my naivety guys! Will keep you updated
Im amazed the op believes the scammer has posted it following the name text.....really people believe that?

Obviously the second he scammed me I didnt believe a word that came out of his scum mouth. However I liked to have some hope that I would get something back. Anyway went to police station got a crime reference with the fraud squad etc and gave all the information I had (and the details id found on who he really is). I obviously am 99% sure I wont get a refund and have accepted that however my bank already said they can see straight away it was a scam bank account. So hopefully that will be enough to maybe one day in the coming months get them to refund me and hopefully the investigation will get the ****.

Oh and to rub salt in the wound he messaged me around an hour ago saying

"cheer sfor the money m8 just went and bought iphone6"

Utter scum
Yes I found his address (real one not fake one he gave) and real name but I cant be 100000% certain it is him this was all based on a name linked to the mobile number he was texting me from but yeah ill just see what happens with my bank and police claim!
strangely I just got an angered text from him randomly saying "I WILL SORT IT OUT TOMO DONT WORRY".

What an irritating individual.
but I just dont get why he is still texting me. I have ceased communication with him so surely he would try and get as far away as possible from me..what a complete and utter twod
Sorry been a while but heres an update:

Obviously filed a report with fraud squad..not banking on anything with that. Barclays got back to me and said basically that because he closed the account and withdrew funds and they had no indication that it was a scam account..they basically arent giving me a penny.

The problem I see with that is the woman I was on the phone too before filing an official email complaint INSTANTLY saw it was a scam account and told me that it was within 10 seconds of me giving her his account number and sort code. So for her to identify it as a scam account that quickly would surely contradict what they are saying?

Also at the time I told her of the issue she didnt say anything about the funds being taken and the account being closed. So obviously in between the 7 days that I sent the official email and got their letter of response was when he did so. So because of that Im going to take it up further with the ombudsman and see what happens... ive already accepted the loss so any return is a bonus tbh.
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