So, this post office palaver then

I’ve been following this for quite a few years and the PO are grade A idiots at saying one thing and doing another. On the one hand they are stating that people should appeal their convictions but on the other they are refusing and worse still using the allocated pot to take money from to say no!

You really couldn’t make this pile of do do up.
I'm not really surprised working in corporate IT for 25 years how some inept folk get where they do but this Bradshaw guy is the very definition of "useful idiot"; likely how he was promoted to such a position. BUT to ultimately wield such power to project that ineptness in to criminal convictions is beyond my understanding. Surely, with what is known now, the PO should waste the guy via gross misconduct on the evidence presented today.

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I'm not really surprised working in corporate IT for 25 years how some inept folk get where they do but this Bradshaw guy is the very definition of "useful idiot"; likely how he was promoted to such a position. BUT to ultimately wield such power to project that ineptness in to criminal convictions is beyond my understanding. Surely, with what is known now, the PO should waste the guy via gross misconduct with extreme prejudice on the evidence presented today.


Vennells has always stated that she won’t be handing back her CBE, personally I think she’s only handed it back now due to public pressure but more likely with the story making headlines everywhere she’s done it to try and protect herself.
The head of Fujitsu UK (Micheal Keegan) left just as the Sub Post Masters began their claim, and immediately got a cushy procurement job (aka bribe-magnet) in the MOD where he almost immediately came under scrutiny when large contracts were awarded to a company of which he was a non-exec director.

I doubt that has anything to do with the fact he's married to a senior Tory MP (Gillian Keegan) who worked in the MOD.

Still, these were the guys who persuaded some parts of the nation they were cleaning up politics 9via Brexit) so that's alright then.

The British electorate really did bring this all on themselves.
Good grief man, just listen yourself. You're beyond ridiculous - embarrassingly so.

  • Our current Conservative Government awarded Paula Vennells a CBE in 2019, even after all of the details around the scandal had already emerged.
  • Our current Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, during his time as Chancellor of the Exchequer, oversaw the awarding of a further £4 billion worth government contracts to Fujitsu, even after all of the details around the scandal had already emerged.
If anyone should be apologising who hasn't already, it's the people involved in awarding her a CBE in 2019, or the people who continued to line the pockets of the company responsible with public money - In the full knowledge of what both the Post Office and Fujitsu had done.

Yet here you are, completely ignoring things like the above, things that happened with the full knowledge of the wrongdoing; while simultaneously screaming at the rooftops that you want an apology from the person who was the head of the CPS at the time, who's prosecutors did exactly what they were supposed to with the evidence they were given, by presenting it to a public jury; and they did so prior to any knowledge that there was a coverup by the Post Office or that they had withheld information.

Presumably you're expecting the members of the public who were jurors on the three CPS prosecuted cases who found them guilty, based upon the fraudulent evidence provided by the post office to apologise also?

It's beyond ludicrous, your feverish ranting seems completely unhinged and you appear to have some kind of bizarre derangement syndrome when it comes to anyone who wears a red tie.

More embarrassing still, is the fact that with your edit, you've just dishonestly attempted to paint my laughter at the sheer imbecilic-ness of the mental gymnastics you've displayed in your rabid frothing, as me laughing at the victims of the scandal; which is absolutely grotesque.

You're an embarrasment.
This is yet more whataboutism because oh no someone is criticising your Corbyn substitute - pathetic.

As for 'feverish ranting' if you class my posts as any sort of ranting your are far too sensitive for real life.

And you are clearly laughing at the victims.
Good grief man, just listen yourself. You're beyond ridiculous - embarrassingly so.

  • Our current Conservative Government awarded Paula Vennells a CBE in 2019, even after all of the details around the scandal had already emerged.
  • Our current Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, during his time as Chancellor of the Exchequer, oversaw the awarding of a further £4 billion worth government contracts to Fujitsu, even after all of the details around the scandal had already emerged.
If anyone should be apologising who hasn't already, it's the people involved in awarding her a CBE in 2019, or the people who continued to line the pockets of the company responsible with public money - In the full knowledge of what both the Post Office and Fujitsu had done.

I know people love their football shirt politics on here but this is getting a bit silly, firstly awarding her a CBE is bad of course, it's rather trivial in comparison to the scandal itself and the prosecutions on the part of the post office (primarily) and the CPS.

Secondly, Fujitsu is a huge company, that some part of it had a total cluster **** with this accounting software for one particular client has got little to do with say the government awarding contracts to other parts like for example, manufacturing the Novavax vaccine during a huge pandemic or indeed IT work on other projects. If you've got any company of that size then you're really talking about a huge group of companies it's like some NHS trust having a scandal with one of their hospitals or wards and then arguing that the NHS as a whole should not be used/isn't fit for purpose.
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I know people love their football shirt politics on here but this is getting a bit silly, firstly awarding her a CBE is bad of course, it's rather trivial in comparison to the scandal itself and the prosecutions on the part of the post office (primarily) and the CPS.

Secondly, Fujitsu is a huge company, that some part of it had a total cluster **** with this accounting software for one particular client has got little to do with say the government awarding contracts to other parts like for example, manufacturing the Novavax vaccine during a huge pandemic or indeed IT work on other projects. If you've got any company of that size then you're really talking about a huge group of companies it's like some NHS trust having a scandal with one of their hospitals or wards and then arguing that the NHS as a whole should not be used/isn't fit for purpose.

I agree with both of those points.

Do you understand what they are in response to and why they have been brought up?

To highlight the braindead absurdity of attempting to dishonestly link the head of the CPS at the time to this scandal, and demanding an apology from him, particularly when there are people out there who have made very dubious decisions in the full knowledge of the wrongdoing, since.

To put it plainly, it’s a mind numbingly stupid and grotesquely dishonest smear attempt, and it deserves calling out.
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Wonder how many people who were actually stealing are going to get away with it and get a big compensation pay out.

I saw a bbc article where some couple put 200k of there own money to cover shortfalls.

One worked at the post office, the other at an airport and part time at the post office.

To put 200k in it sounds like they were guilty, maybe a few k while you change employees to get rid of the thief to save embrassment of hiring q thief
I can’t quite remember if they actually traced all the money that was paid by the sub postmasters, did it all go into a fund then into the profits?

There was none, it was a bug increasing the debt.

Anyway, I first read about this in Computer Weekly and followed it watching the documentaries and news stories on it.
If Paula Vennells knew about it she should do time but at this moment she is a boss who asked her staff to investigate and they came back and told her lies.
Yes the buck stops with her but if staff are lying to her what can she do?
At the very least she could have asked "How many are stealing from us, does this make sense we've suddenly employed all these thieves?".
Let's hope one of these staff swear on the stand that she did know everything and they were asked to cover it up.

And again, I can't stand Starmer but to blame the man at the top who depends on staff telling him what's going on is silly.
I know people love their football shirt politics on here but this is getting a bit silly, firstly awarding her a CBE is bad of course, it's rather trivial in comparison to the scandal itself and the prosecutions on the part of the post office (primarily) and the CPS.

Secondly, Fujitsu is a huge company, that some part of it had a total cluster **** with this accounting software for one particular client has got little to do with say the government awarding contracts to other parts like for example, manufacturing the Novavax vaccine during a huge pandemic or indeed IT work on other projects. If you've got any company of that size then you're really talking about a huge group of companies it's like some NHS trust having a scandal with one of their hospitals or wards and then arguing that the NHS as a whole should not be used/isn't fit for purpose.
Got to agree, Fujitsu did not prosecute anyone here, they may have made some really buggy software, that their customer should not have rolled out, but they were not the ones obfuscating the evidence in the private prosecutions that the PO brought
Got to agree, Fujitsu did not prosecute anyone here, they may have made some really buggy software, that their customer should not have rolled out, but they were not the ones obfuscating the evidence in the private prosecutions that the PO brought

They were not open with some of the functionality if I remember correctly. The backdoor to the sub post office machines and performing live updates of data. Something they denied in court rooms. The fact that in one case they took away a machine for "repair" and because it could not be produced back at the trial the case was thrown out. Not their proudest moment.
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