£90 inc? too much for me. I don't suppose you fancy letting one head towards my way do ya fatboy?
David G said:So upgrading to Logitech Z 680s or a second hand Creative 5700 Digit Inspire, would not give me any significant improvement with regards to DTS quality.
Tzim said:Someone stops me if I'm wrong, but I thinks there may be an advantage of DTS over DD : lower latency. AFAIK, DTS can encode audio by smaller pieces than DD, so DTS encoding could mean lower latency for realtime applications such as games.
If I remember correctly, good old soundstorm had 120ms delay, delay which was a little disturbing when you were playing (shots sound 120ms late... weird). DTS could reduce theses delays to far less nocticeable values. Unfortunately Elite ********' preview does'nt talk about encoding delays.