So why is NewNet a no no then?

29 Jun 2004
I was going to migrate to NewNet from Tiscali this month but i've been told i'd not be doing myself any favours. But I never get any real answers to why not. From what i've read their service is great!
I don't see the problem, oh I use about 3 - 6 Giggs a month. 10 topps, if that counts :)

Thanks :)
I wasn't aware there was any problem with NewNet. Not heard any bad things about them at all. Maybe I'm just in the dark?
That's exactly what i'm getting at Tolien. Yet so many people say to me "Don't migrate because of this and that etc"

I just want to be sure because I don't fancy paying 10 migration fee's in 12 months!

I can only give you my experiences with NewNet as a pointer , i only ever had one major problem which required customer support which like most places can take a bit of getting too via queues on the phone lines , their online ticket support was actually pretty good and prompt so i had no complaints with that. I once lost all connection which meant i had to phone tech support and after a little while with a busy line got through , the support is based at their HQ so is English peeps and they were cutious and they tested my line then raised a ticket with BT , my connection came back inside an hour and was a BT exchange problem. The only other problems i experienced was the bandwidth usage meter they supply via the users control panel which twice in the 3 months with them went belly-up which could be a future problem as they charge for going over the usage cap on the packages & their DNS servers arent the quickest by any means & some users were using pipex dns instead. The service was good in general with speeds acceptable but not outstanding especially during peak times but that may have been my exchange or them giving buisness users priority. As for why i moved , i couldnt handle having to always keep one eye on the usage meter so found myself a so-far unlimted non throttled ISP which on day 1 is a quicker service and more responsive but early days so anything might happen.

Hope that makes things a bit clearer but i doubt it lol

Thanks mate :) That helped a lot :)

Well like I said earlier, I only ever use 3 - 6 Gbs and 10Gb topps. Yet i'm opting for the 25Gb one. I doubt i'll need that much, but it will suffice :)

Guess I'll be migrating as soon as Tiscali give me my MAC Code :)
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