That is a stunning boehmei mate, where did you get her from?Originally posted by Nexus
That is a stunning boehmei mate, where did you get her from?Originally posted by Nexus
We'll be posting them tomorrow mate. I'll feed them both first and then pack them up in the morning.Originally posted by Repo
The Tigerrumps both look great; looking forward to mine arriving next week
Nope, although I was tempted by a lovely Aphonopelma bicoloratum.Originally posted by Nexus
The blue one with orange hairs, is it a member of the Aphonopelma genus?
Seems the old "fingers crossed" trick works then. Yep, it's a Cobalt blue spiderling. Won't show any blue colouring until it's a fair bit bigger.Originally posted by DirtyMinx
As for that second addition of yours Lopez...I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a cobalt blue.
Did you see any of the goliaths?
Glad you're enjoying the thread so far.Originally posted by Kainz
I've spent 2hrs 30mins reading this thread so far and am really enjoying it.
Not read such an interesting thread about spideys ever, and for the first time ever it looks like i'm going to read through all 38 odd pages (on 17 atm). Some of the species are so cute I must admit. Still scared out of my wits though. Many times the phrase 'kicking hairs' has been mentioned, what does that precisely mean? Also, what is a Baboon?
Yes, I've had mites in Maz and Miguels tanks.Originally posted by DHR
Just looking at that site now, was wondering if you've ever had any problems or near problems with mites and secondly, if you can see them, what do they actually look like?
To pick them up, you don't need to grip them at all - just put your hand out in front of the spider, and nudge it onto your palm.I'm still seriously thinking about getting one. I've read (i think it was in this thread) you can clean them out with the forceps, how do you manage to do the entirety of the tank like this? Lostkat mentioned you don't actually have to handle them, i'm not particually nervey about spiders anymore, i just wouldn't fancy actually picking one up (and in getting a grip on it and taking it out the tank!!), i'd be fine handling, just not the initial picking up!
How would u describe the best way of cleaning them out?
Yep, let the substrate dry out a bit though - just give him a nice big water dish and keep it well topped up.Originally posted by si_sleaf
So, back the the original reason for this post: do you think he'll be ok in a fwew days when he settles down.
If you are getting a ground dweller (which I recommend) then you want a nice shallow container.Originally posted by Phoolf
Lopez (or anyone really) - If I were to get a baby T, how big a jar would I need, would it need a heat pad/light etc?
Go through all that on 56k?!Originally posted by DHR
Anyone with mod status (hint hint ) fancy going through the thread and putting all the usefull links at the top
Yep, that's the stuff. T poo is odourless, and dries on contact with air into a white chalky substance.Originally posted by si_sleaf
From what I can tell, T poop looks like little white blobs. In my Poky's tank he does it on the side. looks like a tiny bird has done it, ha ha.
They all look very healthy and well-fed mate.Originally posted by si_sleaf
Do you mean my G.rosea? Hmm, yes I suppose I could feed her a little less but she is so interesting to watch. If I put a cricket in there, she eats it within the hour. So I put another one in a couple of days later and she eats it. I give her another. It's a vicious circle of greedy eating. I read that Ts can't overeat so I just keep her goin. Perhaps I should cut down, what do you guys think? The crickets I give her are quite small so I don't know. Her butt is nowhere near the ground, and she is very active. Perhaps she's just big boned
Well I didwarn you didn't I?Originally posted by Lostkat
Si, if you think your new B. smithi is a bit of a loose cannon, take a look at what I've landed myself with. What did I do to annoy Zuila, my new P. irminia so much? Why, I lifted her lid about 2mm of course! That was enough to get her rearing on her back legs showing those gorgeous iridescent footpads off. She even had her fangs wide apart (before these pics - I let her calm down a little first), which is something I've never seen one of my own T's doing.
Yep, the two miniature legs at the front are indeed pedipalps.Originally posted by si_sleaf
As soon as it moved he grabbed it with his pedipalps (is that the right word for those two little "legs" at the front?)