Nice shots, but a little over-saturated I think, especially the last.
Exif should be embedded, I can view it using a firefox plugin.
D200, 70-300VR, ISO 200, shutter from 90th-250th, aperture from f5-6.7, focal lengths 165-300mm. Very small crops, if any.
Nice shots Tom, although a little radioactive with the saturation. Any full body shots? How did you get the shots, you use a hide?
Nah I'm a big fat cheat, these were taken at the British Wildlife Centre. Going to knock the saturation back on these a touch, will let you know when I do. Think I've got some wider shots somewhere,e let me dig through lightroom.
not to be sceptical but i feel some of the shots could be on the borderline of being blown out. taking the last 2 for example. The first of the last too the jaw and ears seem a little 'hot' where as you look at the last image and there is still plent of detail in the same areas.