Just had easily one of the most bizarre experiences of my driving career, I'm still baffled even now...
Just dropped my fiancée off at Bristol airport, and was merrily trundling home on the A38 - two cars in front of me as I left the airport and they stayed with me (until turning off - more on that in a bit); about a mile from the airport I noticed a young lad had appeared behind - using my amazing motorcycle 6th sense I immediately tagged him as trouble.
Sure enough in no time at all he's right up my arse, now we're in a 40 zone, and I'm doing that - so there's no way I'm speeding up for this tool, and besides, I don't want to tailgate the car in front of me.
Cue a 50 zone and we all speed up - the lad and his girlfriend behind still mere feet from my boot, whilst I leave a suitable gap ahead - it's raining too at this point!
Anyway, the two cars in front of me indicate to turn off, there's no room to pass so I slow down - and although the lad behind had eventually moved back a little before this, he's suddenly faced with my car coming to a near halt, and he's still doing 50-60.
I watch in the rear view mirror as he wrestles the steering wheel, presumably after stamping on the peddle, and eventually has to put the car into a bit of a hedge row on the nearside - ending up alongside me. Rather than thank his lucky stars, he starts ranting and raving at me
Assuming he must be ok, I continue once the way ahead is clear - and have this tool sat on my arse again flashing and giving me abuse for the next few miles, until they eventually take a different road, whilst the passenger gives me more signs out the window.
I've experienced some stupid **** on the roads these past 11 years, but nothing as confusing as this - thankfully I'm pretty calm and not exactly up for fighting, so this didn't escalate into anything more than him (and her) giving me abuse.
Oh, and thank god I live the other side of Bristol!
Just dropped my fiancée off at Bristol airport, and was merrily trundling home on the A38 - two cars in front of me as I left the airport and they stayed with me (until turning off - more on that in a bit); about a mile from the airport I noticed a young lad had appeared behind - using my amazing motorcycle 6th sense I immediately tagged him as trouble.
Sure enough in no time at all he's right up my arse, now we're in a 40 zone, and I'm doing that - so there's no way I'm speeding up for this tool, and besides, I don't want to tailgate the car in front of me.
Cue a 50 zone and we all speed up - the lad and his girlfriend behind still mere feet from my boot, whilst I leave a suitable gap ahead - it's raining too at this point!
Anyway, the two cars in front of me indicate to turn off, there's no room to pass so I slow down - and although the lad behind had eventually moved back a little before this, he's suddenly faced with my car coming to a near halt, and he's still doing 50-60.
I watch in the rear view mirror as he wrestles the steering wheel, presumably after stamping on the peddle, and eventually has to put the car into a bit of a hedge row on the nearside - ending up alongside me. Rather than thank his lucky stars, he starts ranting and raving at me

Assuming he must be ok, I continue once the way ahead is clear - and have this tool sat on my arse again flashing and giving me abuse for the next few miles, until they eventually take a different road, whilst the passenger gives me more signs out the window.
I've experienced some stupid **** on the roads these past 11 years, but nothing as confusing as this - thankfully I'm pretty calm and not exactly up for fighting, so this didn't escalate into anything more than him (and her) giving me abuse.
Oh, and thank god I live the other side of Bristol!