Some people think it's pefectly legal to run lights on a bike.

3 Jan 2006
Chadderton, Oldham
I was at some lights, and some bemused Manchester chav said the following, "Mate, you're on a bike, not a car"

I'm amazed some people think cyclists are allowed to jump lights.
I amazed to see how many cyclists think they're allowed to jump lights. It's a regular occurrence in these parts.
I'd say unless it's a major junction where they might actually die, 80% of cyclists jump lights. I've seen many cyclists go full speed past lights into a flow of traffic turning left barely inches away from cars. Joining traffic turning right is a lot more common.
You're always going to get all sorts of idiots using all forms of transport. When you ride a lot you see the same thing happening with cars.

Although I suppose with cycling it's down to the lack of any training or reading of the highway code.
You're always going to get all sorts of idiots using all forms of transport. When you ride a lot you see the same thing happening with cars.

Although I suppose with cycling it's down to the lack of any training or reading of the highway code.

It isn't even close in terms of numbers. As a pedestrian I am less worried about cars even though they would kill me. Cars can be predicted whilst cyclists could do absolutely anything.

As a driver cyclists are much much more frequently reckless.
I'm surprised anyone saw you, they don't around my way, either run you over (which wasn't fun!) or as oncoming traffic driving towards you shouting to get out of the way.

I've kicked a few cars in my time for stupid overtaking in traffic - too many people on the roads in too much of a rush with little patience! Even more annoying when some cyclists don't bother with rules of the road and give other cyclists a bad name!
While we were filming near kings cross someone jumped a red light and got flattened by a bus! Then another location near Westfield (straford - London) another one got run over and died!

I can't see why you would jump lights in such busy traffic!!

Did get speaking to a policeman at Waterloo place who was on a bike and asked why they didn't fine cyclists for doing it, his reply "actually that's whT we are doing today! £30 fine on the spot" but with so many bikes it's impossible to police it all!
Top 5 threads on GD :

1. Muslims (content : anything)
2. Immigration (content : SEND THEM BACK HERP DERP)
3. Gay (content : you are one)
4. How do I do this very basic thing that even a child could manage? (content : literally everything a pre-schooler could do)
5. Cyclists! (content : no road tax, insurance, jump red lights, GET OFF MY LAWN YOU DAMN KIDS RARARGHGJHGJ)
i wouldnt jump the lights but i quite happily change from road to pavement on my cycle to work journey depending on the road conditions.
I hate when I'm walking over the road and a cyclist appears out of nowhere like a bat out of hell and I have to do some freaky disco moves to get out the way. All of that and it's a red light and a green man.

Unfortunately there are several cyclists who give us all a bad name. But then, there are plenty of cars that run red lights or speed up through ambers.

I'd say unless it's a major junction where they might actually die, 80% of cyclists jump lights.

Made up statistic is made up.
Unfortunately there are several cyclists who give us all a bad name. But then, there are plenty of cars that run red lights or speed up through ambers.

Made up statistic is made up.

I didnt say it was from a peer reviewed study. However I am not able to personally interview every cyclist I come across and have to go off a general record developed by my experiences. Thats the rational thing to do.

I am not afraid of cars running red lights, 99.99% of cars stop, and thats probably higher if someone is actually crossing the road.
Luckily I've found in Edinburgh that it is a rarity, as of yet.

Only twice I've seen it happen personally. And the rest of the cyclists I have seen stopped at the lights. :)
As a pedestrian, cyclists on the path annoy the hell out of me. If they want to play red light roulette and win Darwin awards then I'm all for it.
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