Some Rainbow 6: Las Vegas game footage!

Great looking game, it seems ubisoft always try and get their games looking visually great, splinter cell red steele and now this

Not really my sorta game, squad based shooters, rather charge in and do it all myself, but will give this a look no doubt
Good stuff, looks a lot like GRAW (thats not really a bad thing I guess!) hopefully its a damn sight better than lockdown and more like Rainbow six 3 :)
OMG woot.. I'm buying a 360 for sure now

I love how you can hang upside down on the rope.. its just like in the film the Negotiator. :D

The animations/tactics used look excellent, especially when they enter through the door after they put there silenceses on. :D

GOW - SCDA - and now this woot
:eek: That looks amazing, i'm enjoying GRAW on the PC atm, but that looks like its going to piddle all over it. Looks like the R6 franchise is picking up again, after the shambles that was Lockdown. :)
It's looking like a proper Rainbow Title. Hopefully they took in a lot of the criticism from Lockdown. From the little we've seen so far, it's one more reason to invest in a 360 as a post-exam reward :D
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