Something a bit different, a proper cool car!

20 Jun 2006
Thought I'd post up a pick of a real cool car as there seems to be a lack of proper cool retor tin on here.

This is a car designed and built by blokes at a time when you drove cars as oposed to todays cars that just transport you with as little involvement as possible :D .


Now these cars are cool enough already but here's the icing on the cake:


A nice 2.9ltr 24valve Cosworth V6!


For more pics and info click Here!


One of my mates had one of those. For laughs we'd take it in turns for someone to get into the boot and we'd go and do 70 mph hand brake turns on Yarmouth Racecourse carpark (it had some kind of uber slippery metal grid under the grass that would let you do some high-speed crazy stuff!)

His had the white wella style 'alloys' and a dodgy ghia badge - the Yarmouth ladies loved it (mind you they are not too fussy)

Hope you're having as much fun in yours.
JKD said:
One of my mates had one of those. For laughs we'd take it in turns for someone to get into the boot and we'd go and do 70 mph hand brake turns on Yarmouth Racecourse carpark (it had some kind of uber slippery metal grid under the grass that would let you do some high-speed crazy stuff!)

WTF?! lol
Nice first post :D
A friend on another forum has one that runs very low 11's at over 138... not bad for an old granny :)
There once was a chap in Llanelli with a V8 'Tina Mk4b. Sounded fantastic but it was a little wayward.

My Dad hired a navy blue 4b (with red Ford badges :cool: ) from a company called Rent-A-Wreck (I kid you not) back in the early 90's.
oweneades said:
WTF?! lol

That's nothing - when I got my poo brown Vauxhall Chevette ' The Chevy', we wind down the driver and passenger windows, someone would lay on the bonnet with his hands around the windscreen pillars and we'd go and do some J turns.

Actually, I can't believe we did that kind of stuff in those days (16 years ago) - we were so lucky no-one got injured. Still it was great fun at the time.

Oh yeah just remembered - pulling a ton back from Peppermint Park in Norwich, we worked out it would need 4 people to push open the hatch fully with their legs - the air braking effect was amazing - go Chevette!!!
Thanks for the replies folks, made interesting reading! :D

Sadly this car isn't as clean as in the top picture anymore. There are surface rust blister all down that side now and it'll only ever look top scratch again with a respray that I can't afford. Though it does kind of help with the sleeper look.

I'm saving the V8 conversion for my possible next project, a small block powered Reliant Scimitar! :)

blitz2163 said:
Somethings wrong if hes not been in here already :confused:
He had a rough week end where a lot went wrong, im sure he will be back here like he usally is posting 16-20 times a day in no time at all :)
It is sharp suited with clean lines, it's rear wheel drive, it has character and it doesn't look like all the other euroboxes and shopping trolley hatches out there. I love it! :cool:

But you are of course welcome to your own opinions.
Smiler we like you here. I trust you're on Retro Rides too?

Penski is banned at the moment, he'll be back in a few days. Probably showed too much displeasure towards Fox or something :D
It appeared to be a 24 hour suspension :/

Anyhoo - Love the car; you've been on R-R for as long as I remember haven't you?

Got the mkIII Soft-top Scrote?

No no, that's not me, couldn't be. I know who your talking about though, realy shifty character. I'd watch what he says too, full of carp that bloke. :D


P.S. I believe it was one of you who mentioned this board over on R-R, how else do you think I found my way here? ;)
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