songs I should learn (guitar)

17 Jun 2005
want you guys to recomend me something to learn, any style as long as its not difficult (cant finger pick to well)

ive only been playing a year, i play stuff like rage against the machine normally but im looking to learn anything as long as it sounds good

i know this is a pretty wide field so feel free to ask me some questions :)
it appears that ive made myself to be worse than i actually am.

I to played plug in baby about 8 billion times until i could use all my fingers when I was first starting hehe

i play a lot of nirvana stuff - im ok with most bar chord shapes and open chords

im currently playing stuff like asilos magdalena by the mars volta, clairvoyent disease by avenged sevenfold to give you an idea of were im at

thanks for the recomendations so far :)
i could play the main riff of surfing with the alien, and the other slower bits - soon as he gets fruity ive got no chance - just dont have the technique (let alone a trem that can cope with that type of abuse haha)

ill check out the dream theatre stuff thanks :)

edit: jesus im not that good lol, just got the gp for curve it got to the solo and i was just like -_-

slower than that if possible - i really cant tap well at all (sorry for being picky - all suggestions are greatly appriciated)
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Robosapien said:
But he's complaining that early suggestions are too easy!! And he can already play Satriani!

bits and bobs - im not that good, lots of much more talented guitarists on this very forum, i still class myself as a beginer
^that guys right^

Im pretty good for how long ive been playing but theres no way i can play through anything by satch with any fluency even with a lot of practice - i can play the kinda early on riff part and thats about it (from surfing with the alien)

im asking for something in between the recomendations given - stuff like oasis really doesnt intrest me simply because its not helping me in anyway playing it - its just chords that i already know or slight variations, i am looking for something i can get my teeth into if you get me :)

Plug in baby I can indeed play but i still mess up - very rarely do i go through it without hitting a harmonic (my picking technique needs help me thinks) or miss picking the sweep part. more peices like this would be great :)

Hey joe is another one that can be played as easily or as complicated as you like, i tend to play it with a basic C G D A barre chord progretion with some on the fly picking and then into the the riff parts but ive seen good people playing bass notes and going all over the place which is just to difficult for me :)

Im sorry ive caused some confusion but I assure you its all helping.
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