Son's new Xbox 360 h/d is 13.9gb, normal?

21 Oct 2002
Bexhill on sea
As title. me son picked up his new Xbox 360 premium this afternoon, and after setting it up, he had a look at the available memory (h/d drive space) and its showing as 13.9gb total, with with just over 12gb space left. now to say hes miffed would be an understatement as he, and me included, thought that the premium came with a 20gb h/d, not 13.9gb h/d, so hes missing 6gb somewhere.
Now before I take the xbox back, I just want to clarify that the missing space is not taken up with installed software, games, etc?
Ifg not then this is either a returned console or theres a prob with the h/d (bad sector maybe or somehting). Could someone here confirm that the h/d capacity before anything is installed is 20gb?
Its the same for all premiums, software, the os, space reserved for emulation etc takes up the rest of the space. 13gigs or so is normal.
No its perfectly normal ( apparently ).

I dont own a 360 but from what ive read the drive had all sorts of system crud on there and there is about 13gb left for user use, so its perfectly normal.
Gerard said:
Its the same for all premiums, software, the os, space reserved for emulation etc takes up the rest of the space. 13gigs or so is normal.

The OS is stored in flash ROM on the motherboard. (As even Core's need the dashboard :) )

XBOX Backwards compatibility emulation takes up the most space of the 7gig that's reserved - to mimic the original XBOX hard drive which is used for updates, game saves and cache space etc.
Yes its normal dont worry. They made the info thats on there hidden so people cant delete it or something, in fact i think its split into partitions.
pieman109 said:
I think you misunderstood the post. TOTAL system h/d space is 13.9gb with about 12gb left free.
Or is this normal?

Yes. The reserved space (emulation + cache space) is not counted in the total HD space available to the user.

And with the preinstalled stuff like Hexic, and some videos etc that accounts for what's used out of the available space.
Okies guys that clears that up, saves me going into game all guns blazing as it were :p :D .
Incidentally, I had a look at "gears of war" running on me panasonic 32LXD70 "100hz! screen about an hour ago, and I can say without reservation that the IQ is fantastic! (just though I'd mention that :) )
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