Sony T5 v T9

22 Mar 2006
Am looking at buying a digital camera at the moment, and particuarly like the look of the Sony ones... Have been looking at the specifications of both, and just wondering whether any kind person can tell me if it's really worth the price difference. I'm not a professional photographer by any means, and have no designs to be - does the DSC-T9 have an amazing magic power that ranks it well above the T5, or will I be just as good with the T5?

Thanks all!
I'd want the T9 over T5 for the optical image stabilization alone. I believe the T9 also supports higher sensitivities, but I don't know whether ISO800 on such a small sensor is really worthwhile.
oxist can i ask where in the country you are? I had a customer come in today asking that exact query and i remembered seeing this thread :) I work on the trafford centre at a well known camera store :)

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