Sophos releases free anti-virus for Mac

Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004

Totally free.

It's a total waste of time if you ask me, but as I work for them, I feel inclined to advertise it a little bit.

Full AV, not just a scanner, so it's good if you feel you need it
Makes sense really as a strategy as it's a market that's there for the taking. If (or when, in my opinion) Mac malware becomes a problem if you've been using Sophos free for years you're probably more likely to stick with it/pay for it in future.

At the minute though I'm not sure an on-access scanner is worth the performance trade off.
I'm quite aware they do, but compared to Windows they have but a drop in the ocean. Most of the viruses reported in that article would no longer exist either

Also, the majority of viruses and trojans for macs require you to enter your own password as it has to install itself. So it's a case of common sense.
Also, the majority of viruses and trojans for macs require you to enter your own password as it has to install itself. So it's a case of common sense.

This probably wasn't a problem when *nix operating systems were exclusively used by professionals and geeks


O dear, probably a scam email i was harbouring in my mail app. Looks like it was a .exe anyway but glad i removed it anyway.
It was some zip file on a scam junk email from back in May. Wouldn't of done much though. It was a .exe file :p
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