spec me a high definition pc please

It's difficult to say what you should get with no budget. Any machine could do it but you want the machine to do its job as well as possible. I could spec a Sempron machine with 512 MiB RAM and integrated graphics and it would probably be able to run the software, just really slowly. I could also spec a quad-quad machine with 64 GiB RAM and some of those neat rack-mountable GPU boxes from nVidia. The first probably isn't enough to work well and the second is massive overkill. You'll get more helpful replies with a budget. :)
How's this work for you then?

It's got a quad core processor, a great motherboard, a great case, a great cooler, a GPU that'll get the job done quietly and ample hard disk space. If you did so desire you could bump it up to 8 GiB RAM, depending on whether or not your work would benefit from the change.

EDIT: Crap, I forgot the PSU. Throw in a Corsair 520W and pretend I included it above. :p
  • [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Windows® XP with SP2 or Windows Vista™ operating system (32 bit Windows Vista recommended)

  • [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Intel® Pentium® or AMD® Athlon® 1.8 GHz or higher (2.4 GHz recommended) - Intel® Pentium® HT or AMD® Athlon® 2.4 GHz or 1.6 GHz Dual core required for Windows Vista Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.4 GHz or higher required for AVCHD editing

  • [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]512 MB RAM (1 GB recommended) - 1 GB required for HD and/or Windows Vista (2 GB recommended) 1.5 GB required for AVCHD (2 GB required on Windows Vista)

  • [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]DirectX® 9 or higher compatible graphics card with 64 MB (128 MB recommended) - 128 MB required on Windows Vista (256 MB ATI® Radeon®9600+ or NVIDIA® GeForce™ 6 or higher recommended) 256 MB required for HD and AVCHD editing (ATI® Radeon®9600+ or NVIDIA® GeForce™ 6 or higher recommended)

  • [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]DirectX 9 or higher compatible sound card

  • [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]1 GB of disk space to install software and 3+ GB to install bonus content

  • [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]DVD-ROM drive to install software

  • [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Optional:

    - CD burner for creating Video CDs or Super Video CDs (S-VCDs)

    - DVD burner for creating DVDs and HD DVD discs*

    - Sound card with surround sound output required for preview of surround sound mixes**
  • [/font]
System requirements for the program, pretty steep if you want a HD-drive in that system.


Not too sure on the BD drive still.

won't he need FireWire which that mobo (DS3R) doesn't have?
Good point,overlooked that.
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BillytheImpaler if he's using the rig for video editing won't he need FireWire which that mobo (DS3R) doesn't have?

How about...

GFX is not suitable for gaming, but is HDCP compliant, has HDMI & UVD which will help in decoding HD content :cool:
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