Spec me a phone for £60 please

2 May 2004
Could you spec me a phone for around £60 please? Just needs a camera, MP3 ringtones/player if possible.

Also preferably one that's currently available at Orange. Must be nice and reliable and small.


Oh, and Pay&Go please :)

You can get a SE W810i for £80 on Orange PAYG from Carphone Warehouse, only downside is that you need to spend £10 on airtime which brings the cost to £90.

Excellent phone for the money though and has a 512mb card in it and sound quality that matches the iPod I used to have.
I would suggest the same as DanTheMan, but if your budget cannot stretch that high, then I recommend the K750i.

Can be had for around £50 now.

- MP3 player
- MP3 ringtones and SMS alert
- 2.0MP AF camera

Had mine for 2 years, was the best phone I've ever had (apart from the K810i I have now), you won't be disappointed with it.

Does it have to be new, for that price i'd look into a few second hand choices maybe? They're almost certain to be unlocked so would work with whatever sim card you put in them, and im sure you can grab an orange PAYG for free somewhere...
LeperousDust said:
Does it have to be new, for that price i'd look into a few second hand choices maybe? They're almost certain to be unlocked so would work with whatever sim card you put in them, and im sure you can grab an orange PAYG for free somewhere...

I like new stuff! :p

DanTheMan said:
You can get a SE W810i for £80 on Orange PAYG from Carphone Warehouse, only downside is that you need to spend £10 on airtime which brings the cost to £90.

Excellent phone for the money though and has a 512mb card in it and sound quality that matches the iPod I used to have.

A bit expensive for me at the moment, but it might be best if I wait a little longer to get something better like the W810i :)

GeForce said:
I would suggest the same as DanTheMan, but if your budget cannot stretch that high, then I recommend the K750i.

Can be had for around £50 now.

- MP3 player
- MP3 ringtones and SMS alert
- 2.0MP AF camera

Had mine for 2 years, was the best phone I've ever had (apart from the K810i I have now), you won't be disappointed with it.


My brother has the k750i which is a very nice phone, I'll see if I can find one in my price range :)
I really would suggest saving up the extra £30 for the w810i over the k750i.

I've had both phones and the w810i is better at doing pretty much everything. The little 'joystick' thing on the k750i is also the most annoying thing ever fitted to a phone :D.
DanTheMan said:
I really would suggest saving up the extra £30 for the w810i over the k750i.

I've had both phones and the w810i is better at doing pretty much everything. The little 'joystick' thing on the k750i is also the most annoying thing ever fitted to a phone :D.

Anyone I know who has owned the K750i has had to have it repaired or replaced due to the joystick on it. (A fair few people!)
Hmmm, yes I think I will save a bit more and go for the W810i.

Luckily there's a Carphone Warehouse near where I live so It'll come out to about £90 (£10 top-up). A bit more than planned, but it should last me years.

I trust the £10 you're forced to top-up with goes 100% towards phone calls and texts?

Also, quite a few years back (probably about 7 years now) my brother bought a text package for £15, it gives him 3 free texts a day. Are there any packages like that out at the moment?

Oh, and will the carphone warehouse give me a sim? Or do I put my own in?

Thanks all :)
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There is a web based text package on Orange that will give you 300 FREE texts each month provided you top-up £10, top up even more and you get further free texts..

You would need to ring Orange on 450 and ask to be switched to the tariff once you had bought the phone from CPW.
As gary said, I believe it's

£10 - 300 free texts the following month
£20 - 500 free texts the following month
£30 - 1000 free texts the following month

The sim depends on what you get from CPW. If you get the phone as an Orange PAYG handset, you will get the SIM with it. The downside being it will probably be Orange branded.

If you buy it as a sim-free generic handset, it won't come with a SIM, but will have generic SE firmware on there, be unlocked, and have no branding.

I don't know how prices compare on the two options at the moment, it's worth checking with CPW first to see which one works out best for you.

Looks like the £80 one is locked to Orange. Doesn't really bother me as my family are all on Orange & I've been on orange since I got my first proper mobile.

Maybe I'll be lucky and get a 'unbranded' W810i that's not locked to anything for the same price :)

I don't think the £10 top-up & 300 free texts will benefit me much, I don't use my phone enough to need £10 a month in there :(.

I've just been reading on the CPW website and the Orange one does come with the sim that has 300 free texts if you top-up £10, so that's quite cool for when I do top-up :)

The others (O2, Vodafone, Mobile World, Fresh Mobile) are all more expensive and the 'specials' on the sims are a bit rubbish :p

Can't wait until Monday to get it!

Thanks all,
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I bought the w810i from CPW 2 weeks ago on Orange.

It isn't Orange branded or locked to Orange only, I'm currently using my o2 SIM so I can get 500 free texts per month for a £15 top up.
DanTheMan said:
I bought the w810i from CPW 2 weeks ago on Orange.

It isn't Orange branded or locked to Orange only, I'm currently using my o2 SIM so I can get 500 free texts per month for a £15 top up.

Sweet, hopefully mine'll be the same :D

Do they activate the sim in CPW or do you just do that when you open the phone (at home/whenever)? My brother got his K750i around a year ago in the Orange shop & the guy opened it and activated it :( (I don't want some guy opening mine! :p)

Hopefully the buy will be just in and out without a salesman pestering me :p

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just to add, most if not all phones from the CPW will be unlocked. so best thing to do is get the sim card you want(free for most off the net) and then get the phone on the cheapest network you can(if you save more than it would be to add another £10 to the sim card you want to use that is.
The cheapest one of the W810i @ CPW is on Orange which I'm pleased about, I'll just use the sim it comes with :)

Thanks for the tip though ;)

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