Spec me a plate

21 Jul 2008
Right, I'm hoping I'll pass my Mod 2 next week so will want to change my number plate to a more tidy version when I've passed, but even so if I dont, I'm going to need a new plate eventually.

I'm wanting to order a new number plate, as my current one has 3 holes in the bottom for the L plate, and 2 extra holes for when I swapped it over from the standard mount area to my tail tidy.

Ideally I'm wanting the smallest permissable by law, no borders, no blue GB marker, and smallest possible manufacturer and BS number on the corner.

So does anyone have any links to a good manufacturer? I used demonplates for my car as they did all that I wanted and you could get them in domed numbers rather than a flat plate, but I think they only do standard sized motorcycle number plates, and not the slightly smaller ones you're allowed to have.

I bought a bike plate from "rorymac71" on eBay. I'm afraid he is no longer a registered user though. Someone like "djhplates" who makes plates (for cars I believe) may be able to help?

I went for the smallest legal plate I could with a 5 digit number which was 8"x6.5", BSAU stamp & manufacturers name at the bottom, no border or badge and in the "new euro" font
Craig's plates are good but the web site is down, don't know if they exist anymore???

Make sure you get the plates that are sealed in not the 'orrible stick on printed type which you might with a cheaper manufacturer.

Also go for a totally legal plate, don't give them an excuse to pull you over
I went with an 8X6 plate, standard font and no border. Had no bother in the few weeks I've been riding and been followed by a couple of coppers.
Just get a standard one - there's so many other things you can get pulled over for on a bike, why faff around with one of the few things you can't really talk your way out of?
I am after a standard one, legally motorbike number plate font can be slightly smaller than car font, that's what type I'm trying to find.
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