Spec me a sticker printer!

3 Feb 2011
free and easy
Hi Dudes,

Im currently developing a business which will require really good durable stickers which stay stuck... Ive checked out a few printers but I can't really see one which would produce really high quality and tough stickers... the types that come on camera's with the serial numbers.

Thanks Chaps!
Would security seal stickers work?, companies like Seton can make custom designed stickers that are durable and difficult to remove.
The only problem is the amount that you need, generally custom stickers need to ordered in large quantities.
depending on what sort of durability you want will determine if you can do it at home or not. If you want something bomb proof you will need to look for a company with narrow web UV printing kit. Should be some about. You could also try standard oil based lithography but that wouldn't be as touch (unless it has a UV overlacquer). Commercial and domestic inkjet isn't going to stand up to much hammer
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