Spec me some fish food.

18 Oct 2002
Newcastle, England

I'm looking after a couple of Goldfish, whilst my neighbour is on holiday. Problem is, he left me some food for them, that's making the water a mess.

The food is like flakes. The water in the tank needs constantly changing and its doing my box in. So any fishy experts out there? recommend some food I can buy, that wont turn the water bad?

and please, before anyone says it, I am not gonna feed them to a cat. :p
Check a leper in with them or the hand of someone with a skin disease.


Fishflakes should be fine and the water should not be dirty, but then you shouldn't just drain it out and replace with tap water either.

They only need a tiny amount of food too. Maybe you've given them too much, for 2 goldfish a few flakes is plenty, if it is not eaten within 10 minutes then they have already had their fill.
Hmm cheers for that. I think I prolly am overfeeding them a bit. there's always flakes on the bottom of the tank, I'll have to give them a little less. :)
Buy your mate some kind of coldwater plec/loach. They are very handy for picking up pieces of excess or stray food. :)
Thanks for the advice guys.

A.hay, dont mention it mate, and nice rig you have there too. :)
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