Spec me some good PSP games

14 Jul 2006
Rotherham, S.Yorks
Ive just purchased a Sony PSP. It came with Syphon Filter : Dark Mirror, Outrun 2000 & I also have Miami Vice : The Game waiting. Just wondering if theres any titles anyone would recommend? Need some good games for my hols in september! Thanks :)
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I'm currently addicted to Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords, it's great!

Loco Roco, Daxter, Ratchet and Clank are also good games.
Tekken : Dark Resurrection is good aswell.
Also Virtua Tennis 3 - I've played that loads the past few weeks, terribly addictive.
Cheers guys some great suggestions :) I played everybodys golf a while ago on a friends and it seemed really good. Thinking of giving it a try aswell.
Porklord said:
Cheers guys some great suggestions :) I played everybodys golf a while ago on a friends and it seemed really good. Thinking of giving it a try aswell.

Ultimate Ghost and Goblins is my favorite, Football Manager 07 if you like those type of games.
InwardSinging said:
Ultimate Ghost and Goblins is my favorite, Football Manager 07 if you like those type of games.

Will have a look into them thanks :) Are there any good hack and slash dungeon type games out?

Killzone Liberation is pretty good although a bit difficult - I have been stuck in one spot for ages now :(

Pro-Evo is always good for a quick game but I rate 5 over 6 on the PSP.
GTA Vice city stories
Burnout legends or Dominator
The Gradius collection & Metal slug anthology if you like old skool shooters
Someones already said Tekken DR
Lego Starwars II if you've not already got it on another format.

A few hours worth to keep you going there :)
Thanks for the suggestions guys :) Speaking of GTA I ended up on jury service with one of the guys who worked for Rockstar on Liberty City Stories last year. Was very interesting talking to him about games. Vice city stories is only £9.99 by the looks of it so will defo have to give it a go at that price :D
I wouldn’t even pay £9.99 for GTA VCS, it just doesn’t feel like a gta game, the sprit of the previous gta games just seems to be missing.
XPE said:
I wouldn’t even pay £9.99 for GTA VCS, it just doesn’t feel like a gta game, the sprit of the previous gta games just seems to be missing.
I have to agree. Liberty City Stories was good but I got bored of VC Stories and to date it's the only GTA game I haven't completed!!!
RuMp3l4$k1n said:
Has anyone got Crush? it was well reviewed and was looking really good in the videos I saw of it. Oh and Pirates, anyone got that? impressions please. :)

I have both and both seem good although I haven't played a great deal of either due to being addicted to Puzzle Quest
Ah Puzzle Quest did they ever fix the psp versions major bug? You couldn't use some party/buddy powers or something, it was a reason I didn't get it at release as they said it was unlikely to get patched.
RuMp3l4$k1n said:
Ah Puzzle Quest did they ever fix the psp versions major bug? You couldn't use some party/buddy powers or something, it was a reason I didn't get it at release as they said it was unlikely to get patched.

Ooh, no idea on that. I haven't come across any bugs yet, that I know of.
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