Spec me some new games

29 Dec 2014
The "North"
Hello :)
So to cut a long story short I suck at buying games (Procrastination and what not) as although I enjoy playing games actually buying them is not my strong suit and often ends up with me deciding against and a buying more PC hardware.

I like FPS games and currently I'm looking for a decent racing game (Like the old Gran Turismo 4 etc) and a decent FPS title as currently I'm stuck playing Dirt 3, BF4 and Titanfall. So does anyone know of any decent racing, rally and FPS titles that would be worth the cash or is there any in the pipelines that would be worth saving up to buy on release :)

Sorry if this is a wierd thread but it's the only way I'll end up buying the damn games :D
DiRT Rally is amazing, get it.
Assetto Corsa maybe? if you are into racing sims
Project Cars?
Will definitely have a look at Dirt Rally, as for Assetto Corsa I'm not so sure as although I like racing sims I'm more into the sit back with a controller style. Also is Project CARS still worth it :D
You work the opposite way to, certainly me, and I suspect possibly the majority of us.
We buy all of the games but don't play them. As evidenced by the many 'How many games in your Steam library' threads that come and go.
I haven't played Dirt Rally personally but everybody seems to love it. Your options are limited with rally games anyway. Gotta be that one.
Yeah, I think you're right on both accounts with there being no other rally games other than Dirt and me being wierd on buying games (I don't like waste :))
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