Spec my wife and I a helmet!

24 Oct 2012
Let me preface this by saying that my wife is of the opinion that the second you put your leg over a motorcycle, it instantly goes a milionty miles an hour in the opposite direction in rush hour traffic with no brakes or lighting in the dark.

That said, I've convinced her to at least go for her CBT to see what it's like. If she doesn't like it, no harm done, but I'm hoping to change her opinion. I grew up on mopeds and small bikes so I know my passion for them. I'll be doing my CBT too.

I'm looking for cheap-ish helmets which are reasonably safe but still throw-away money in case she hates it, so it's not too much of a waste. I am aware that the CBT trainers supply helmets but I'd prefer to buy her a helmet so it's "hers", plus by buying one, she'll be much more receptive to it an probably enjoy it more as it'll be comfortable for her.

For added bonus points, something cute or pink would be nice (no kittens or whatever, just something a bit girly). What I'd REALLY like is a helmet I had many many years ago, it was a Chupa Chups helmet, can't remember the brand but it was a top brand and the helmet was eye wateringly expensive. If I could get a pair of those at a reasonable price (obviously a lesser brand) that'd be perfect.

My only real criteria as to the style is that it has to offer protection in the rain, so not a half face unless it's one of those flip-up jobbies.

Any ideas?
I bought an MT Thunder when I first started, perfectly fine for a suck it and see helmet and only about £60 I think.
You can get nice shark helmets for under £70 each, my first one cost me £64 and its frank Thomas, have a look on helmet city :)
The single most important factor that should be considered above all else when buying a helmet is that it fits properly. Different helmets, be they make or model with in the various manufacturers range, can vary in best fit for head shape. Go somewhere that has a range of helmets and both of you try some on.
It's one of those things you can't recommend. As ElliorR says you need go to a shop and buy the best fit and highest safety rating you can afford. While I was at it I would also buy her some gloves.

I would look for a minimum 3 start rating, lightweight and be flexible on price and don't skimp.
Ideally you go to a shop and try many of them on, or you can order a load of them online and and keep the one that fits best and return the rest, which is what I did although I didn't have much choice as I have a huge head.

You can also check out the helmet's Sharp safety rating before buying.
I find Nolan do fairly nice helmets for reasonable prices
I'm using one right now.
However, last time I went lid shopping about six months ago, I was told that Nolan had lost their UK distributors and currently did not have anyone... meaning that Nolan lids are not in the shops.
Up to you, but I won't buy lids online as I don't trust the couriers/post office not to boot the package around.

As well as Nolans, I also found Caberg to be pretty good entry-level lids. High scores on all the safety ratings and some pretty good features.

The single most important factor that should be considered above all else when buying a helmet is that it fits properly. Different helmets, be they make or model with in the various manufacturers range, can vary in best fit for head shape. Go somewhere that has a range of helmets and both of you try some on.
^ This, this, this and this again.
Weird - last time I went to a bike store saw loads of Nolan and X-lite kit at fairly good price
Old stock, perhaps?
Just going on what the shops' staff members were all reporting. I went round several in the Berks area and all were sorely lacking Nolan stock.
I don't like any of the latest Cabergs quite enough, so my main options were the naff-feeling Scorpion range or a Shoei that I'd have to save up for...
Sportsbikeshop are great for trying helmets you can't find locally, come very well packaged in their own specially designed shipping boxes and you've got free 365 day returns on the ones that don't fit.
HJC, AGV, Shark, Nolan, Box and Caberg make reasonable quality lower priced helmets. Something like the HJC CS-14 or Box BX-1 can be found for around £40, barely any more than helmets with brand names no-one has ever heard of.

WebBikeWorld is a good place for unbiased and detailed helmet reviews.
SHARP is a government safety program that tests and rates helmets.
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